Re: Freaktacular 2015
Congrats on the mystery box win Happy!
OKAY, so as far as my
goes...we have a tie!
There's a tie between
Punkg42 and
Kenbenobi! Both got 4/10 correct out of of my top ten. To be fair, this is my "Top Ten Films" that resonate with me for one reason or another, and there are a few that could probably be interchanged with some others, because, that tends to be how Top Ten lists work! Once you hit 7 out of 10 or so, there's a high chance that the last three or four movies could be swapped out with another depending on the mood. Not always, but often!
So here's my top ten list! I bolded the ones that were chosen right between Punk and Ken. Funnily enough, they both got the same four correct!

Outside of Star Wars these aren't in a particular order...
1. Star Wars
2. Die Hard
3. Lethal Weapon
4. Jurassic Park
5. Back to the Future
6. Aliens
7. Raiders of the Lost Arc
8. About a Boy
9. Jerry Maguire
10. The Last Samurai
There were some really solid guesses made by many! Though I'm surprised with how many went quite modern over older school. That probably fits into the mantra I mentioned above about how things can pop in and out of Top Ten lists depending on how recently you've seen a film, or how your perspective in life has changed...sometimes movies grow on you! the question comes down to who wins. Well, that's up to Punk and Ken!
Do you guys want to fight it out for the Blu-ray prize of Trick'r Treat (or if you already own Trick'r Treat, a copy of a horror flick that made my top ten of the year list a couple of years back)? Or would you both rather walk away winners with the consolation prizes?