Whoa! can't believe i didn't see this thread earlier!
anyway, i just spoke to fred himself on the phone. i needed a shipping estimate to my country (all the way in malaysia). he sounded quite nice and helpful, answering whatever questions i had about the amazing 1:1 bust.
a couple of points to note:
- according to him, the visor is opaque, unlike the film version which had to be see-through for obvious reasons.
- the busts are in production right now, and it takes a while for the paintwork to cure, so he doesn't want to rush anything out. and rightfully so. the last thing anyone would want is for the paint to stick onto the packing material and be ruined.
- he said they should be ready to be shipped by the end of the month.
- he sounded pretty sure that the busts would arrive safe & sound, even if they're being shipped halfway around the world. the lightweight material not only helps to keep shipping costs down, it lessens the chances of breakage in the sense that there's a certain degree of "give" in the material. (not his words but my takeout from his explanation).
and he does accept payments via credit card.
i'm pretty excited at the prospect of getting this. i just hope shipping fees won't be a killer. and i have no idea if i'll be slapped with customs taxes, but i'll deal with that IF it happens.
i'm a huge robocop fan and this piece is simply too excellent to pass up. btw, i think the open mouth look is much better than a stoic, closed-mouth look, because it shows the human side of the character, who is after all, a cyborg...