tomorrows sideshow's sdcc item is a fred barton lifesize bust...could it be this?
Oh the irony

That 12 foot gate will be to the nut house tomorrow for sure

tomorrows sideshow's sdcc item is a fred barton lifesize bust...could it be this?
tomorrows sideshow's sdcc item is a fred barton lifesize bust...could it be this?
tomorrows sideshow's sdcc item is a fred barton lifesize bust...could it be this?
I doubt SS would sign up for such a low edition size. If SS were to produce this, the paint job would be greatly inferior and the price would be higher I bet.
lol, is this even a confirmed "news"?
why would it be higher? The IM busts have light up and were what, $750? If SS made this, I couldn't see it being any higher than $800
it's only a rumor at this time...but it def sound like it could be the Robo-bust. I was hoping it was gonna be the Fred Barto C3P0 bust but i believe that is already up for order.
Fred did the 3PO bust, so who knows. Could be another Star Wars piece. All that's certain is it will be a robot.
If it is Robo, there's a good chance 1/4 Robo and Cain will be offered through Sideshow as well. That's awesome!