Super Freak
Really liked it. I liked how it was Ed trying to get Charlie to believe him instead or vice versa. Farrell did a good job and it was awesome seeing Chris Sarandon. Still prefer the O.G. though.
But there were a bunch of dead people at Peter Vincents when they attacked them there. That seems like good evidence, dead people with holes in their necks and the whole house trashed, their blown up house with the wire ripped out of the ground, their SUV with the floor ripped out police would start questioning things dont you think. In the original there was no evidence of anything going on for the cops to believe, but in this one there was lots of evidence something crazy was happening.
l will admit l didn't mind Colin Farrel in the role, and that's saying alot because l don't like him.
You're talking about later? I guess...but once they got to Vincents, there wasn't a whole lot of things the cops could do.
It was ALL up to Charlie to drive that stake through Jerry's heart.
If my neighbor was a vampire l would just burn his house down in the middle of the afternoon. Burn his ass out into the sunlight. Problem solved in 15 minutes.![]()
I'm trying to find a flaw with this but can't
i saw this today and was surprised... considering the parameters they had in order to keep it a remake, it was well done. the writing, timing and humor were all on point.
I'm trying to find a flaw with this but can't
I'm trying to find a flaw with this but can't
i saw this today and was surprised... considering the parameters they had in order to keep it a remake, it was well done. the writing, timing and humor were all on point.
His crazy friend (in the original) would not let you near the house in the day time so there is the flaw.![]()
the concrete is gone from the foundation of the house... digging a dirt nap hole would be no problem.
Was once enough for me. I had to go watch the original on YT to get the taste outta my mouth.
I think I was a good modern day remake. My biggest flaw was I hated the new Evil Ed.
I almost want to say that they should've let him live so that they could make a sequel. The character just didn't have much time to do much of anything. In the original he at least had more screen time and interaction with Brewster.
Wasn't horrible. But if you like the original at all, it won't hold up. (even if you try not to compare them, your mind will.....IMO)
6/10, No desire to ever watch it again.
Original had charm, and a score that made the movie.
(still say they shoulda released it in OCT!)