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It's a disgrace these are still up for sale at 1500 a piece. These should be long gone, they're well tailored, painted, sculpted, and the new body is a plus(besides the joints being a tad loose) Such good figures should be sold out by now. If you woulda told me at the beginning of the year these would have trouble selling out i woulda said you were crazy. I am not sure the reason, the line moving slowly? Or maybe I'm just used to the nuttyness of the SW section. But these are better than any SW figure that's come out lately IMO. Maybe people just don't realize how well done they are? GO GET EM!


It's a disgrace these are still up for sale at 1500 a piece. These should be long gone, they're well tailored, painted, sculpted, and the new body is a plus(besides the joints being a tad loose) Such good figures should be sold out by now. If you woulda told me at the beginning of the year these would have trouble selling out i woulda said you were crazy. I am not sure the reason, the line moving slowly? Or maybe I'm just used to the nuttyness of the SW section. But these are better than any SW figure that's come out lately IMO. Maybe people just don't realize how well done they are? GO GET EM!



It is a great pic!

So many have said they won't get these because they fear that SS won't do the whole fellowship and they will only have the whole fellowship, nothing less. Even if SS stops with Gandalf, I'll still be glad that I got all the others. I'll be very unhappy if they do stop though. There are so many characters that I would love to have still. Any and all!
I don't know why they would they went to the trouble of making a whole new small body. So you would think more hobbits are on the way. (I could care less if they make the whole FS, i still like the ones i got and will still get Gandalf etc.)

Bring on Bilbo!
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I doubt I will be getting a GTG, I will be happy with having just aragorn, boromir, legolas, frodo and sam for a while....I just hope they make a gimli before they call it quits.

still don't get why they decided to make a faramir before finishing the fellowship.
It's a disgrace these are still up for sale at 1500 a piece. These should be long gone, they're well tailored, painted, sculpted, and the new body is a plus(besides the joints being a tad loose) Such good figures should be sold out by now. If you woulda told me at the beginning of the year these would have trouble selling out i woulda said you were crazy. I am not sure the reason, the line moving slowly? Or maybe I'm just used to the nuttyness of the SW section. But these are better than any SW figure that's come out lately IMO. Maybe people just don't realize how well done they are? GO GET EM!
too many people have this "i'm only getting into this line after they release the whole fellowship *said with a gay lisp while waving their pinky in the air*" mentality.:rolleyes:
if we never see anymore figures from this line i'll be proud to keep the 7 SS gave me already.(8 if you count my custom lurtz) they are all well done and more than i ever hoped for from this line. all i ever wanted was a kickass samwise figure and id say i got him. mission accomplished for me.
Yeah the whole FS would be cool but it's a non issue for me. I don't care if i have em all or not.

Gandalf will be awesome, and a Gimli would be nice. Also a FS Bilbo.
The Fellowship Nine was a must-have. Not having it completed is a HUGE disappointment.

There's no way I'll get rid of the figures that I do have (I have them all so far), but to not complete the Fellowship, at the very least, is truly sad.

:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 (One crying monkey for each missing Fellowship member...)
The Fellowship Nine was a must-have. Not having it completed is a HUGE disappointment.

I'm most aggravated that there's no villains: NO Lurtz, NO Saruman, NO Ringwraith, NO Wormtongue, NO Gothmog, NO Witchking....

But yes, what they have given us is brilliant. That only fuels the disappointment of what could have been.

Must I really supplement the SS line with ToyBiz figures to finish it off? I suppose, at least, we have that option. Better than nothing. Actually the custom Gimlis I've seen are quite nice. Still no villains other than the Ringwraith though.
I doubt I will be getting a GTG, I will be happy with having just aragorn, boromir, legolas, frodo and sam for a while....I just hope they make a gimli before they call it quits.

still don't get why they decided to make a faramir before finishing the fellowship.

I'm on the waitlist for GTG. I think SS could've made a killing if they were as gung ho as we are about these figures. Maybe there's something we don't know about that's holding them up.
Yeah the whole FS being a "must have" was never for me. If that's what they planned fine, but i never cared. I want ANY cool characters they were/are willing to make.
They all look so good that I would be hard pressed to choose a specific "next" character for a figure. Anything that comes out as well as the first six is cool with me. But I do want more. I would love SS to ramp up to one per quarter.
This may have been mentioned, but now that they have the "Vader" body do you think Sideshow will dare to make a LURTZ?

That would be nice.

I'd say odds are no unless they can make him using Hot Toys' new muscular body as seen with the Predator figures. Vader is on a modded armor body, so the base body wouldn't be bulky enough and I don't think SSC would go the route of making him with a clothe covering for his bare skin elements. We'll see I guess. At the current rate of the line, we'll be lucky to see any villains if we even see all the heroes.

Wasn't there a movement to get Sovereign Studios to do a run of his Lurtz custom?
I did contact Shawn about that possibility...but at the time he wasn't sure about the interest and pursued other things instead.

Maybe in time he'll reconsider.

Short of the HT muscular body format, I don't know how much better you cna do than what Shawn pulled off, I thought it looked great. Sadly, I fear he won't get the interest, it's only of value to go along with this line, and we've seen how this line fairs with the masses.
I will give anyone here a 20$ GC to use towards the purchase of the Hobbits as long as you promise to buy a hobbit with it. (just send me a PM)

(Must get hobbits sold out :))

I missed these pics very nice!



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I dove in head first and got both Frodo and Sam ordered today! Just one of those lines I didn't want to dive into but the quality of these Hobbits looked outstanding. Also put in a waitlist for exclusive Gandolf. Hopefully i can stop there, but Boromir looks fantastic also.
I dove in head first and got both Frodo and Sam ordered today! Just one of those lines I didn't want to dive into but the quality of these Hobbits looked outstanding. Also put in a waitlist for exclusive Gandolf. Hopefully i can stop there, but Boromir looks fantastic also.

I'm sorry. :lol

I didn't know I helped you start you LotR addiction. You know you'll have to at least snag all of the Fellowship members. They all are pretty good. Faramir's paint was a bit sloppy, but other than that the only real mishap is Aragorn's full bead instead of stubble beard.

Just start counting on getting them all :rotfl