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I guess I'm in a slightly better position than you on that day, but I start a brand new job/internship at an architecture firm on the 6th. Hopefully by 11am my time (PPO time on the Pacific Coast) they'll have me on the computer so I can sneak my order in before they sell out. Otherwise I'm going to have to con someone else into doing it for me.

You could try to go the "restroom" and call in the order. I had to call in Boromir (my works computer system crashed about 5 minutes before he went up) and Faramir (I was on the road for my job). Both times it didn't seem too swamped. Not like the Obi fiasco that happened.
I think they are both fabulous sculpts.

It seems to me that Elijah Wood has been one of those likenesses that have been difficult to capture, but this 1:6 figure definitely does that in spades.

I also think the Sam is quite good (way better than the toybiz - sorry Doug).

No QVTR yet?
I have to say these look really great... and like others have said definitely better than the PF of Frodo.

Can't wait for them to ship in July of 2008!
I'm not collecting this line, but these do look extremely good.

Some of the best likenesses so far.

Here's hoping the scale isn't too big an issue!
Sorry, it was just a joke based on the extreme lag time with these figures...

There was no truth to my earlier statement about them shipping in one year... I'm sure it will be longer than that :lol
Sorry, it was just a joke based on the extreme lag time with these figures...

There was no truth to my earlier statement about them shipping in one year... I'm sure it will be longer than that :lol

Caught the joke about 10 seconds after i posted about it.
Nevertheless, it was not funny and you should be scorned for it!!!:emperor

Can't really judge 'em until we see their FEET.