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You'll probably be okay, I got on the waitlist for Legolas waaaay after he was sold out and got one with no trouble. Boromir took a while longer to convert, but it seemed like on that one they moved a bit slower.

Trust in the waitlist... it almost always comes through.

You are right!

I have just received an email from SS informing me that my Wait-Listed Order for Frodo has been converted. And its the Exclusive Edition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I am eagerly waiting for Mr Frodo and Sam to ship. Hopefully, they arrive together. :D
You are right!

I have just received an email from SS informing me that my Wait-Listed Order for Frodo has been converted. And its the Exclusive Edition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I am eagerly waiting for Mr Frodo and Sam to ship. Hopefully, they arrive together. :D
congrats man!! these guys are gonna be so ++++ing awesome.
Now I can't wait for SS to release Pippin, Merry and Gimli. Then, I can complete my collection of the Fellowship of the Ring!

But somehow, I have this funny feeling that SS may release Gandalf the White as its next 1:6 LOTR Figure.

Hopefully, they will release Pippin, Merry and Gimli before their license for LOTR expires!! :monkey4
Now I can't wait for SS to release Pippin, Merry and Gimli. Then, I can complete my collection of the Fellowship of the Ring!

But somehow, I have this funny feeling that SS may release Gandalf the White as its next 1:6 LOTR Figure.

Hopefully, they will release Pippin, Merry and Gimli before their license for LOTR expires!! :monkey4

I am sure we will at least see the rest of the fellowship soon.
I can't believe this exclusive can't sell out.How many times has it been up for 2nd chance now?WOW!

The exclusive is not cool though so i can see that but as good as the figure looks......
I can't believe this exclusive can't sell out.How many times has it been up for 2nd chance now?WOW!

The exclusive is not cool though so i can see that but as good as the figure looks......

Time is a factor for some people, they get bothered when things take longer to come out and cancel orders, or sometimes because something takes longer, other things can come sooner and they need to cancel to deal with what is before them.
Meh,i'm pretty sure it's either the price and people are going to get it cheaper other places cause the exclusive is not a must.Or just the fact that LOTR is not SW,If it looks as good as the proto pics i suspect it will be very hard to find down the road.(i think this is the 3rd 2nd chance for these and they both look incredible so i don't really get it)

Meh,i'm pretty sure it's either the price and people are going to get it cheaper other places cause the exclusive is not a must.

At this point, I wouldn't think that a cause anymore. It's been about 8 months since they went up for order, I'd say pretty much everyone who was on the "I don't really care about the exclusives, i'll go for it cheaper" bus made that call within the first 4 months. I think at this point, there's just been a lot of time for things to happen. New PPOs, expanding lines, new licenses. The collectibles market is booming right now and since these 2 aren't shipping yet, a lot of folks are going to go through a phase of deciding that there's too much else they want and give them the axe or like I said before, other items are shipping now and they're keeping their orders for those things and find the hobbits won't fit in the budget so they pull the trigger on cancelling.
Most people don't have much in the way of patience and want things yesterday. So I gotta agree with Sean on this one.
Yep, time and money can be a killer with figures like these. Also, all of the LOTR figures have ended up on 2nd Chance... so these don't really seem to be any different.
I think the only explanation besides the long space of time between PPO and shipping is that the LOTR fan base has coroded considerably since the movies were released.
At this point, I wouldn't think that a cause anymore. It's been about 8 months since they went up for order, I'd say pretty much everyone who was on the "I don't really care about the exclusives, i'll go for it cheaper" bus made that call within the first 4 months.

There will always be last minute people..Lots of them.As soon as a cool figure comes out they just GOTTA HAVE it right then,i bet we see a lot of those people when this starts to ship.(If the final product is as good as the protos pics that is)

I've seen many online retailers sold out of SS's stuff while SS still has the product in stock.(they get more in even and gone right away again)So as prices go up more and more people will always be changing their minds.

Now if we would just get a notice on these figures.:frodo
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I cancelled both Frodo and Sam and Gandalf. (do have a another Sam coming that I paid with points that I'm selling to a board member) but I'm getting out of the 12 inch hopefully at some point they will put out the rest of the Fellowhip in PF form. :)
A lot of people will re-order these as soon as in hand pictures turn up. I don't see how anyone could miss out on these essential characters, esp. when they're so well made.

It's not general cancellations we're discussing at the moment though, it's Exclusives. I'm sure anyone that is really interested in the property is going to secure these figures, but for varying reasons, many will not go direct to SSC or will become disenchanted as time between proto and shipping grows.
I think the problem is most likely due to both the rather long delay between PPO and shipment of the figures and the bump in pricing. Throw in slow announcements and interest in the line tends to wan, since people are not talking/thinking about them.

Ironically, I think this line is the best 12" line that Sideshow has done so far, surpassing even the mighty Star Wars line. The quantity may be lacking but the quality is there in spades.

There's so much potential within this line, not only with the obvious 12" figures, but with accessories. Star Wars has the dejarrikk table so why couldn't LOTR have the Palantir pedestal? SW has Jabba, so why not LOTR have Treebeard? I could even see a horse drawn cart, such as the one Gandalf is riding at the beginning of FOTR being done. (complete with fireworks in the back...;))

I would love to see this line really taking off.