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Morris Fletcher said:


That looks better.:naughty
Bullseye said:
That looks better.:naughty

.....Good GOD!
That REALLY looks Better!!!!

Send that to someone at SS!
Send it to all of them at SS and see if they can pass that on to the apropriate people....that should not be that difficult to change from their prototype!

RoboDad said:
And for those who won't be able to get it at retail, they'll be crawling all over eBay to get it at premium prices.

Lots of possible crow out there. ;)
Sir Tristram said:
.....Good GOD!
That REALLY looks Better!!!!

Send that to someone at SS!
Send it to all of them at SS and see if they can pass that on to the apropriate people....that should not be that difficult to change from their prototype!


I may get it customed to look like that. Wouldn't be too much work.
Can't really put my finger on it but the adjusted version does look better. I guess the thicker or fuller hair helps. The mouth seems like it might be too small. It does look better overall though.
The thicker hair, defintely!!! ...and the skin tone...the paler look with lighter eyebrows make worlds of difference to me!
well i've never used a photo edit program before and it shows but as i stated before, the biggest problem i see w/ his face is his eyes are set too far back (deep) into his head, giving him kinda caveman-ish brows. also i think his nostrils should be wider, but i couldn't figure out how to do it lol. someone make this look better please.

HighElven said:
I dont get it, they both look nothing like Elijah?...

Nothing? Really? How about this:


Keep in mind, I'm still not changing anything with the face sculpt. I repainted the eyebrow shape, but that's the most drastic change to the face. Otherwise, it's all "paint".

And of course, the hair Frodo has here would be impossible to replicate in 3D, but just trying to make the point that what we have is pretty good, if not 100% perfect.

And for fun, I even "aged" his clothes and muddied up his face a bit! :D
Whoa! Didn't realize how much a diff paint makes! I guess the sculpt is there then. We'll have to see at TF, or worst case, SDCC if SS changes the paint. Could be a potential sleeper.
If the figure is supposed to be set in Moria how come sting its not glowing.
Can they release a sideshow exclusive after? has that ever been done?

It wouldve been great to have a light up exclusive. Oh well, think Im gettin' it anyway:peace
HighElven said:
If you like it all the power to you.
I think it is one of the worst PF figures Sideshow has ever done.

wow! Its amazing to see the differences of opinion isnt it! Well they obviously lost alot of detail because of the size.
i would like to add that the pictures from toyfair sure look a lot better than the initial pics. same witht the adjusted photos. it seems pretty good for the moria scenes. there could be better poses such as rivendell or lothlorien but SS chose this scene...

i hope they adjust what needs to be done... i like it now and for lack of a better sculpt, i ordered can still be cancelled though...

jlcmsu said: