For what it's worth, through the entire early history of monotheism, the belief was that evil comes to those who disobey God. It was the catch-all reason for misfortune on Earth. The perspective has roots that go all the way back to hunter-gatherer polytheism, but it becomes most obvious when things get stripped down to a single dominant deity.
To avoid this end, it became customary to protect an entire people/nation/empire by forcing all within to observe the laws of whichever deity the greater mass of people decided was the one to obey. Rome degenerated into Christianity. The Hebrews attempted repeatedly to establish a nation based on Hebraic law. Islam incorporated the political element directly into itself, and was a success story unheard of prior to Muhammad's teachings.
Every professional, educated Muslim I have ever asked has told me unequivocally that Muslims living in America do not recognize the Constitution as absolute, and they observe it only for pragmatic reasons. They have all stated with equal conviction that it is the responsibilty to any Muslim living under a law which is not Islamic to do what they can to subvert the standing legal situation, and replace it with Islam.
These are not radicals. These are lawyers, doctors, professors. You can see the effects of such efforts on full display in England, and as I understand, Dearborn, Michigan is an exceptional domestic example of the extent to which Islam has received legal recognition (something that Christianity is excoriated for regularly every holiday season).
So long as this point of view remains unchallenged (that Islam has a duty to propagate itself, and to dominate where it can) there are going to be individuals going to the most extreme lengths dictated by the Koran to establish the dominance of their identity in the midst of a contrary culture. Honor killings are clearly not a majority phenomenon in the U.S. However, there is one demographic that is winning in the race to see who can draw the most blood in the name of their faith against the infidel culture which we all know and love. It is never somethiing anyone sees coming ("he was always so quiet") but after almost 10 years of experiencing these attacks, it is very difficult to take the claim seriously that it had nothing to do with their religious views.
I'm not witch-hunting here. I do not blame Muslims for the actions of Muslims. I am simply asking why is it always Islam underlying the psychoses of these people?