I’ve already seen Wonder Woman 69. Is this a remake?
What's kind of bizarre is that Patty Jenkins had an entire wealth of "source material" available.
This is going from old memory, but
12 Labors - She loses her powers and has to do "trials" to test her resolve and competence.
Gorgon - She has to fight Medusa
Either of those would have been far more interesting than WW84, which pitted her against a SNL refugee ( who also helped to tank the Ghostbusters reboot) and a caricature figure meant to be Jenkin's personal shot at current day events/ideology.
I'm just not sure how they screwed this all up ( well it was Jenkins) Chris Evans is a pretty mediocre actor ( but a passable movie star) and he made it work as a "man out of time" narrative for Captain America. I'm not sure why a woman out of time was so hard to pull off for Jenkins. That's a pretty standard writing trope.
People want to see a spectacle and have fun. They don't want to go to a film to be shamed for loving the things that they love. If I wanted non stop shaming, I'd just go visit my buddy in Colorado and spend some time with his mother-in-law. ( She'd be a great marketing angle for cattle prods. I.E. even if you are not a dairy farmer and even if you've only seen two episodes of Yellowstone, if you meet this lady, you'll instantly want to buy a cattle prod to defend yourself. When the Grim Reaper ends up having to go after her, I'm pretty sure he'll just take one glance at the situation and just walk away and say "F#### this job, I'm going to go get some crepes now" )
What was I talking about again? Oh right, Patty Jenkins had a golden cow and managed to squeeze out exactly zero milk. I'm not sure how that happens.
For the record, the cattle prod I own is not the largest commercially available one. Also I only use it for S'mores. So no one here needs to get all judgy about it.