Broke and happy
Wow what a lineup that totally was worth dumping the Snyderverse right fellas…

I mean... It still has Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. It always was going to.Wow what a lineup that totally was worth dumping the Snyderverse right fellas…
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Keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you sleep at night.![]()
It's interesting to see how these announcements are already causing a divide in the DC fandom.
Fans are not a monolith. I was asking for a Batman movie based on Grant Morrison’s work for years, and I know several fans who were asking for a Booster Gold tv show.
Sure, and I love GotG. But I think he's a one trick pony, and that's what you'll get here with DC.
I just don't think this will come together at all in a serious way.
And Snyder films aren’t mcu quality. I’d rather have Gunn then some one trick pony who is only good at making visualsI’ll easily take 300, MOS, BvS and ZSJL over any movie James Gunn has directed in his entire career.
GOTG 1-2 for me were at the bottom of the barrel from Phase 1-3.
IM1-First Avenger-Thor 1-Thor 3-TWS-Civil War-Avengers-IW-EG quality they are not.
I tell myself a lot of things to get to sleep at night, but the one I keep coming back to is “Zack Snyder will never touch another DC property.” Works better than Melatonin and I’m out like a light every single time.Keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you sleep at night.![]()
I tell myself a lot of things to get to sleep at night, but the one I keep coming back to is “Zack Snyder will never touch another DC property.” Works better than Melatonin and I’m out like a light every single time.
For a second there I thought your avatar turned into a GIF.So glad this snyder **** is DEAD.
All kidding aside, I didn’t mind the Snyder Cut or Man of Steel and there was a period of time where, dare I say, I was a staunch BvS defender (jyecat can attest to that). I feel like Snyder’s one of those guys, though, that could never get out of his own way. While conceptually off base IMO, inside of the Snyder Cut and, even, the BvS Ultimate Cut, there’s a leaner, better version of each, but the guy cannot edit (or find an editor) to save his life. And, because of that, his filmmaking style seems to be “everything and the kitchen sink (literally in the case of BvS
I'm back.watch the mcu then come back to me.
Sure, and I love GotG. But I think he's a one trick pony, and that's what you'll get here with DC.
I'll ask this. Who are the big characters of the MCU when it comes to facing off with the big bad etc ? It's not GotG, they are quirky comic relief (sure with a good story of their own) but not main characters.
What characters has Gunn picked out at DC. Quirky ones. Starting with Peacemaker, the Suicide Squad and now with The Authority and Booster Gold.
I just don't think this will come together at all in a serious way.
Good. Hope you learned something.I'm back.
Damn. Amazing post !All kidding aside, I didn’t mind the Snyder Cut or Man of Steel and there was a period of time where, dare I say, I was a staunch BvS defender (jyecat can attest to that). I feel like Snyder’s one of those guys, though, that could never get out of his own way. While conceptually off base IMO, inside of the Snyder Cut and, even, the BvS Ultimate Cut, there’s a leaner, better version of each, but the guy cannot edit (or find an editor) to save his life. And, because of that, his filmmaking style seems to be “everything and the kitchen sink (literally in the case of BvS).
That’s not a great way to approach things. People looked at BvS and Whedon’s JL and the butchery that transpired and doubled down on the need to “adhere to Snyder’s vision,” but I maintain what I said before. His vision is overlong, self-indulgent, and bordering on ridiculousness in his obsession with being “artsy.” BvS, in my opinion, needed cuts and it didn’t need to be 3 hours long…but they cut all the wrong crap. I don’t need a half hour of slow motion cannons firing and faucets dripping. This is a damn Superman/Batman movie. Not whatever Terrence Malick’s been up to for the past 14 years.
Had they honed in on narratively important stuff like the branded inmate being killed and the Luthor goon squad burning the village to make it look like heat vision did it, people might not have been so quick to jump down its throat over all the plot holes.
Likewise, ZSJL’s 4 hour run time was ridiculous. It wasn’t just that it was ridiculous, it’s that it was unnecessary and it felt like Snyder had given up altogether on trying to hide the fact that he’s just an overgrown frat bro who likes The Fountainhead. From the Nordic Aqua songs to enough slow-motion musical montages to make Rocky Balboa blush, it felt like all sizzle and no steak. I didn’t need a Momoa rock n’ roll striptease. Nor did I need an edgy guitar motif while we get an unflattering up skirt shot of Batfleck on a gargoyle…nor did I need another edgy guitar motif while Wonder Woman also stood on a Gargoyle for a minute and a half.
By the time you get to that final shot of the JL assembled on the cliff side (a beautiful shot that evoked Alex Ross’ work), it completely loses its impact because you’ve been bombarded with hollow iconography over the last 3 and a half hours.
But more than that, his stuff was tone deaf and it was clear to me that the only understanding he had of these characters spun from his misbegotten misunderstanding of Watchmen and Miller’s stuff. He failed to realize the aspirational value of these characters and, because of that, he made weird creative choices that alienated most, if not all, of his audience, save for a few adherents.
Slither and Super are great!I’ll easily take 300, MOS, BvS and ZSJL over any movie James Gunn has directed in his entire career.