Is the Shadow King a big comic book villain? I am completely new to Legion and anything related. one of the reasons I am enjoying the show so much!
Is the Shadow King a big comic book villain? I am completely new to Legion and anything related. one of the reasons I am enjoying the show so much!
Ok, cool - thanks for the info. Shows me how little I truly know of the marvel comic universe!
Is the Shadow King a big comic book villain? I am completely new to Legion and anything related. one of the reasons I am enjoying the show so much!
I hope season 2 is gonna be less dream-like. It's good but every episode is 'out there'
"I knew your father. Did you know that? Your real father. The guy that gave you away. I know. Talk about an ass****. Always acting so holy and then gives away his only son. He thought he could hide you from me, but he was wrong. I found you. Such a sweet little baby. And me, your very own walking talking fungus. What do you think he'll say when he finds out?"