Long day, so just a couple of quick ones out of the box and a few comments...
I like him. Is he "too green"? Maybe...I don't know...depends on the lighting. I must've lucked out with the paint apps...all n' all, pretty clean.
Still don't get the "brown nose", but who know what he was into in that Rancor Pit, eh?
Outfit's pretty well-done...will take some futzing to get it "just so" but it looks pretty good right out of the box. The lack of articulation really isn't bugging me...I'm glad they didn't break into the arm and leg sculpt for it...looks a lot better this way I think. The only thing that makes me a little nervous is the weak ankles...I hope he doesn't have any issues standing later down the line.
I really like the separate pieces in the head sculpt, from the helmet to the lower jaw...really adds to the detail of him. I also really like the way his eyes and the area is sculpted around them...has the too-accurate "mask" look about it that's really cool.
I picked up some fabric to give the "hood" thing a go on the back of his head...it's the only area I'm not digging too much...I'll see what I can do...
I'll get some better shots up later but I'll wrap for now by saying...if you like these big ole' brutes...get this. The more I sit here and stare at him, the more I'm really liking him. I'm not saying "it's better than..." or "not as good as..." at this point...there've been so many figures released all at once (with more slammin' our way!) that if anything, I'm getting overloaded and need to take the time to really enjoy them on at a time.
Get the Gammy!