Gears of War 2

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Had fun last night even though I sucked.
Funniest moment was Robert beating ill to the Boom shot then promptly killing himself.:lol
Dee:"Too much gun for ya?"
I've been there.
Killed myself with the hammer in the same match:duh

Looking forward to the new maps as long as Epic continues to tweak the game. Cuz they need too.
(This game is still hard on the blood pressure.)
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Had fun last night even though I sucked.
Funniest moment was Robert beating ill to the Boom shot then promptly killing himself.:lol
Dee:"Too much gun for ya?"
I've been there.
Killed myself with the hammer in the same match:duh

Looking forward to the new maps as long as Epic continues to tweak the game. Cuz they need too.
(This game is still hard on the blood pressure.)
No, he didn't beat me to it, I was standing over it and tossed a smoke, went to pick it up and he grabbed it even though I was standing there. Then the ^^^^^^^^ kills himself with it. What a jerk. :D
No, he didn't beat me to it, I was standing over it and tossed a smoke, went to pick it up and he grabbed it even though I was standing there. Then the ^^^^^^^^ kills himself with it. What a jerk. :D

"Geez, if youre going too pick it up at least use it!"
I wasn't quite so kind with my words. I think even Jon pays better attention to what he's told to do.

OK dad :lol

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Its raining outside. :lecture :rotfl

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For the love of god man, there is an even harder mode?!?! :lol

Actually, there are four modes... Casual, Normal, Hardcore, Insane. I am assuming you are on Casual, as it's your first time through. Trust me, it gets easier after you get the hang of it. Casual and Normal will be easy (after you get used to the game), but Hardcore begins to be a Challenge, and Insane... well, almost everyone who has finished it says they probably won't do it again! :rotfl