Gears of War 2

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My God damn truck broke down on the way home from work! I had to wait an hour and half for the damn tow truck. To top it all off I just spent all my extra money on my damn plane ticket to SDCC! WTF! I feel like I have been natures punching bag recently. I can take a punch but this is getting F'N rediculous! :banghead:monkey2:banghead
Sorry I didn't accept the invite last night, Dee. I was playing Annex with Kit and I didn't want to bail in the middle of the game. Then I signed off for a while.

Next time...

And sorry about your truck, Keith.
It sucks getting sucker punched in the balls by fate...believe me, I know first hand.



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Oh thank God! Luckily it was the fuel pump and it is only going to cost me around $189 for my deductible and fuel filter. It was covered under my warranty. :banana

Won't have a truck until Monday though. :monkey2
My God damn truck broke down on the way home from work! ...

That blows, I've been there and it's not a good feeling. :banghead Fortunately it's not going to cost you too much.

Yea, it's garbage. It's curious though, yesterday wasn't too bad, I was playing pretty decent with hardly any lag; but today it's the complete opposite.

Funny, I played about six different matches of Guardian on Public last night and didn't seem to have any problems with lag or anyone using a lag switch. I guess I was one of the lucky ones. Although I still need two more wins as Guardian for the achievement. :(
Good to hear its not going to cost to much Badmoon I was wondering what kind of truck you had then I saw the pic and was like oh yeah.

So are you guys only playing public now?
played a load of games earlier and no lag :banana:banana:banana only managed to get my rank up to 10 though. this new ranking system dosent really let you know if your good or not though, its all about how many games you play :dunno
Sorry I didn't accept the invite last night, Dee. I was playing Annex with Kit and I didn't want to bail in the middle of the game. Then I signed off for a while.

Next time...

And sorry about your truck, Keith.
It sucks getting sucker punched in the balls by fate...believe me, I know first hand.

Cool no problem BRO:D
still can't play without lag. :banghead
Not sure what the problem is still.... seems some have great connections and others can barely play , thats the impression I'm getting reading things on different forums anyway.
I am still getting lag, but all in all, its better. The characters seem to move a tad faster, and yeah, the new ranking just tells you how many matches you've played. You get more points if you kill more, but that's really it....

Still miss not having public player matches.....