Universal MODster
Pre-season? For what? Football? That's not a sport... just guys running back and forth across a field... back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. 
Whatta wuss :emperor
Can't wait to get your ass over here for one of our parties and get you ^^^^ faced![]()
There is still plenty of time before the 22nd.![]()
We'll never get him or Karma over here. ^^^^in euros
I can't help it if it's not a party without me![]()
Pre-season? For what? Football? That's not a sport... just guys running back and forth across a field... back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.![]()
Football is the ONLY sport Lonnie.![]()
I'll remember that the next time I hear ou cheer for the Flyers.
and Pre-season football sucks ass.
You suck ass.![]()
Even if people couldn't be bothered to change host to let me & Josh in as we couldn't connect, it was awesome playing soul caliber & co-op gears with ya Josh
And oh whichever mod edits "crap" my ass as well.
Even if people couldn't be bothered to change host to let me & Josh in as we couldn't connect, it was awesome playing soul caliber & co-op gears with ya Josh
Now why would you say it like that? Like we didn't want you and Josh there? No one even thought to change hosts and I never even heard the subject brought up to change hosts. ( I was not hosting )
That said, this game can eat my ass for a while. I will not be playing Gears for some time......I am getting more than tired of the glitchy play and the typical bull crap that goes on.
I say it like that as both Josh and I sent several voice mails (not to yourself) stating that we couldn't get on due to the host. If it was me, upon hearing them I'd switch host or tell the host the issues
Just felt kinda weird that there was only 6 people playing in a room at the beginning with me & Josh having to go play soul caliber
I was not that pissed tbh, just a shame not to game with anders on his birthday
Not to matter anyway I'll be playing soul caliber & co-op gears tonight anyway as Josh is needing the final dom achievement, I need the insane achievements & soul caliber is good fun with Josh, bagels, dee & maybe Ill...if his cheap ass buys it
stress & angst free
I might buy it today. It depends on what I get for some tradeins.![]()
remember madden comes out on thursday so you could be playing that more
I might rent madden
Madden comes out on Tuesday I believe. However, I am not a cheap ass and will spend as I see fit.![]()