That said, this game can eat my ass for a while. I will not be playing Gears for some time......I am getting more than tired of the glitchy play and the typical bull crap that goes on.
I say it like that as both Josh and I sent several voice mails (not to yourself) stating that we couldn't get on due to the host. If it was me, upon hearing them I'd switch host or tell the host the issues
Just felt kinda weird that there was only 6 people playing in a room at the beginning with me & Josh having to go play soul caliber
I was not that pissed tbh, just a shame not to game with anders on his birthday
Not to matter anyway I'll be playing soul caliber & co-op gears tonight anyway as Josh is needing the final dom achievement, I need the insane achievements & soul caliber is good fun with Josh, bagels, dee & maybe Ill...if his cheap ass buys it
stress & angst free
I might buy it today. It depends on what I get for some tradeins.![]()
I might rent madden
I'll most likely give it another go tonight but that will probably be it until November 7. With Madden, Force Unleashed, and Fable 2, I just won't have much time or motivation to play this frustrating ass game.
my problem isn't with the host, it's being flooded with invites & you can't join, you then send people voice mails explaining you can't join for them just to blank you with no reply
you then see the room has only 6 people in it & wonder what's going on
exact same thing happened to Josh
That is only common sense, we've been playing this long enough to know that. My .02 Cents....If you had any idea that it may have been the hosts problem, you should've said so. No one in that room would've minded backing out and restarting to get you and Josh in.
Well in all fairness if you get two people having the same exact problem it should come as the first possible issue that maybe its a host problem. We've had this issue before with Fingaz not being able to join a few and we switched. Also, I do believe I mentioned it may be a host issue in one of my messages.
I'm sorry I missed last night, the Wife and I spent some quality time together and I wasn't available until much later than I wanted. But I will play tonight.
I wish I could get Soul Caliber, but I will probably have to wait on that one. At least until I get some more money. I'm stretching as it is to buy Madden.
Sadly, I did not get any of those messages as they were relayed to others and I had no idea Karma had the same problem. We all knew you had been having problems with your connection Josh and just assumed that was it. I didn't know Karma also tried to get in - thought he was playing a different game. I guess we need to communicate better so we know what's going on.
Same here just dont know what condition I will be in.![]()
That is only common sense, we've been playing this long enough to know that. My .02 Cents.
Same here... Tonight I am sure I will be nice and "pre-lit"
Then don't reply with 'going to play SC with Josh'. We had no idea why you couldn't get in but you're making it out like we didn't want you to join or something. That must've been why we flooded you with invites. If you had any idea that it may have been the hosts problem, you should've said so. No one in that room would've minded backing out and restarting to get you and Josh in.