Statue Gentle Giant 18" Black Widow - Winter Soldier

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Did you order it from Amazon or a retailer with an Amazon shop? You probably want to get in contact with them asap before this its sold out
Did you order it from Amazon or a retailer with an Amazon shop? You probably want to get in contact with them asap before this its sold out

It came from a retailer with an Amazon store (Pop Culture Fan). He has been very quick with responding to emails, so he hasn't tried to avoid me. There is another vendor on Amazon that has the statue in stock. Should I give him a couple more days, or would you suggest cancelling the order and placing order with other company?

I am more of a Star Wars this is my first GG statue.

Thanks for any help
Well I contacted GG and it was pretty much a mind ****. Told me to wait til a head rep comes.

BBTS hasn't gotten back to me. Which is weird, they're pretty quick about it.

But GG said they'll have to see of what they can do. So it could be a potential replacement or refund more likely.

The piece is broken solid, but issue is that the holster is actually thinner and can't hold the gun. If you try and place it in, it'll break again. I'm not talking jamming it down, the other was no problem; so it's the holster to begin with. Also she has smudge of black paint on her neck and chin, and finger print smudges and slight chipping on her left leg on the texture.

Man, kind of blows. But we'll see. Hoping for the best.

That sucks, dude. I hope Gentle Giant can remedy this for you.

It came from a retailer with an Amazon store (Pop Culture Fan). He has been very quick with responding to emails, so he hasn't tried to avoid me. There is another vendor on Amazon that has the statue in stock. Should I give him a couple more days, or would you suggest cancelling the order and placing order with other company?

I am more of a Star Wars this is my first GG statue.

Thanks for any help

I would give him a couple of more days then contact him again before canceling. Sometimes it takes longer for some retailers to receive their stock than others.
If it were me I'd go to the guy with the item in stock. This is a limited edition of 600 with an overwhelming positive response. It will not be available much longer
Sucks to see the pistol holster issues - I figured I wouldn't be the only one. I have yet to hear back from them on it.
BTW, it's no longer available on their website, at least as of 5 minutes ago.

Okay so I got her and man, wow! She is stunning!


Her holster broke. I guess I may not have warmed it a bit, so one gun holstered just fine, but the other one was too thick and broke her holster. Now it is a slightly clean break, and can be fixed, but I'm unsure as to what. I think I could get a replacement, issue is.....I was 599/600, so I doubt a replacement may be possible. I do partially think the piece was a bit cold, however, I had her at room temperature for about 6 hours before attempting. Well, that kind of sucks :lol



Is this how finding out the missus is pregnant feels? :monkey2

Mine broke too but it's the other leg. I just glued it back.
I feel like I got lucky on the holsters. If I had to do it over I would let the statue reach room temperature before placing the guns.
yeah that's way to many issues.... Hopefully they'll get you a replacement....
Yeah it was, bbts finally got back.....2 days after the inquiry....
If you decide keeping the figure is your best option you might try slimming down the gun slightly. This would create less pressure on the holster. You could file down the side of the barrel that faces her thigh and it might not even be visible. You would probably have to glue the gun and holster together, but how often do you need to remove them?
It's hard to say. I look at the idea of moving it too. Let's say we see a new BW for AoU, that will put some idea as to keeping this or not. I don't do for retail value, but for resale. I have the original Ivy, but her vines had broken during transit; and no one wants to buy it because of it. You can't tell. Why was I selling? Well cause I wanted the Green Envy. So I would like a replacement, before sticking with just gluing it, but I'm super tempted to just do so :/
Aw man, that sucks. I hope it doesn't come to that.

That sucks, dude. I hope Gentle Giant can remedy this for you.

Sucks to see the pistol holster issues - I figured I wouldn't be the only one. I have yet to hear back from them on it.
BTW, it's no longer available on their website, at least as of 5 minutes ago.
So I still have to talk with GG, but BBTS said I can take 30 in store credit, or a refund :(
Mine broke too but it's the other leg. I just glued it back.
Yeah, I would, but it'd be like what I just said above :(
I should get mine tomorrow, I'll be taking extra care not to break the holsters.

I feel like I got lucky on the holsters. If I had to do it over I would let the statue reach room temperature before placing the guns.
Haha, I had left her maybe 20 minutes outside the box, but I had the box in the basement; which ironically is the hottest room in my house :lol, and that happened. I'd assemble, and then leave her a few hours to warm up, and then do it. My thing was the gun was too thick and keeps pushing out on the holster :slap
That's my plan along with using a hairdryer after it's been awhile.
Good plan mate! :duff
I'll just breath heavily on her with my hot breath :naughty
Funny story, I was inspecting the piece from all angles to see any other detail issues, and my niece had walked in when I got to Widow's ass, and she said, "Why are you smelling her butt?" :lol

She's 4 so she thought I was smelling the statues :slap:rotfl