Should say something like this when you're done.
Pre-Order Confirmation:
Congratulations you have sucessfully placed your convetion pre-order, your Order Number is we're finally done ****ing with you. Please bring photo identification as well as your order number to the convention to pick up your order.
Additionaly the system has also generated a confirmation email which has been sent to [email protected]. Please be sure to adjust your email application to accept emails from to ensure delivery of the email.
Edit: I haven't gotten my email yet though. It does show up in my account and I saved a print screen of the page after my order went through.
In case you forgot to order all the convention exclusives, CLICK HERE to place another order.
Pre-Order Confirmation:
Congratulations you have sucessfully placed your convetion pre-order, your Order Number is we're finally done ****ing with you. Please bring photo identification as well as your order number to the convention to pick up your order.
Additionaly the system has also generated a confirmation email which has been sent to [email protected]. Please be sure to adjust your email application to accept emails from to ensure delivery of the email.
Edit: I haven't gotten my email yet though. It does show up in my account and I saved a print screen of the page after my order went through.
In case you forgot to order all the convention exclusives, CLICK HERE to place another order.