Congrats! The back and forth is fun most of the time but there are times when it loses the fun. Its about being respectful in how you approach something someone likes or dislikes.
This one I gotta admit surprised me...I like it...alot...but It does make gandalf appear younger looking would be my only criticism...Nice size too compared to the Dwarves and the box was big....worth the money IMHO...
Just received this Friday and have to say that for about $50.00 and free shipping it was totally worth it. I had the original GG Gandalf and Saruman busts from when they came out but sold them a few years back. I had always regretted selling Saruman and was lucky to pick up a brand new one for under $60.00 a couple weeks ago so I needed a Gandalf to balance the display. I considered reacquiring the original which had an amazing likeness, but prefer Gandalf with his hat & Glamdring drawn, so I took a gamble on The Hobbit AUJ version. The likeness is definitely not as good as the LOTR version but it's ok and I have it displayed in pretty dim lighting so it's not a big deal to me. One thing that is improved over the original though is the texturing on the cloak. Would recommend.
Over all I give it out of five.
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