Statue Gentle Giant: "Honey Trap" line

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The official word from GG on this was "I think you guys overestimate licensing fees."

My politically correct translation: "Don't expect these to be any cheaper than a product we have to license."

My actual translation: "Grab your ankles."

and Lube is not provided :lol:lol:lol
These aren't must haves for me
They are just nice to haves
I am comfortable passing if they price them too much higher then the SP girls.
These aren't must haves for me
They are just nice to haves
I am comfortable passing if they price them too much higher then the SP girls.

:goodpost: I would. Like to have them. But if the price is not my liking I will pass. I also have to be more picky because of space issues and also in the future idont want to be collecting statues of unknown hot looking girls by the bulk. It always starts with one series, then later on 2, 5, 10 and then 5 other companies will start to pick up on this trend. Before would know it my collection would be all hot looking made up, unknown girls. That is not the way I would like to collect statues.