Gentle Giant's Vintage 12" Star Wars Figures

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I do not see myself proclaming to be the know-it all and never said these are better then SS 12 inchers, they are something else.

You stated comparing these with Sideshow's "dolls" was like comparing apples and oranges. There isn't a more ignorant statement in this thread than that. They're both 12" action figures.

Whenever a SW line comes out that no one cares about you never hear anything about it. Do see Nam stating over and over how lame SW Transformers are? No, because no one cares. But everyone loves these GG Jumbo figures, not everyone can afford them, so those that can't have to go on and on and on about how overpriced and hollow and stupid they are to justify not having them on their display shelves. Yeah right guys. :lol :nana:

Paraphrased: "We GG fanboys must glorify this junk to overcome the financial inadequacy of being too poor to afford the Vintage 12" and to overcome the personal embarrassment of actually having these in our collection."

Khev, I 100% agree! :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:
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Just what is the &$*#$#()#*(%(*@ is the problem???:gah:

GG jumbo figures are hollow pieces of plastic that look worse then the original vintage figures. (because they are just bigger versions of the original vintage figures that never were very good representations of the caracters, but because they were the first SW figures people love them).
The Sideshow figures are new sculpts (not always good, but they try) and have clothing and accesoires, and yes cost some extra, but you get way more for the money you pay for a SS 12" than for a GG Jumbo.

So in my opinion the GG jumbo figures are just overpriced pieces of plastic... And show that GG was desperate to make a new line, wich means they leave the bust line behind and make pieces of s|-|it of them...
Yeah, I just noticed that myself. :slap

I was just wondering who handed me my Stormtrooper figure at C5 for free. :wink1::wave:nana::monkey3

That is indeed, Dev Gilmore. I have known Dev for years via another friend who worked at Gentle Giant. He's a very nice guy and is an amazingly talented art director. Mad skillz....
You stated comparing these with Sideshow's "dolls" was like comparing apples and oranges. There isn't a more ignorant statement in this thread than that. They're both 12" action figures.

Paraphrased: "We GG fanboys must glorify this junk to overcome the financial inadequacy of being too poor to afford the Vintage 12" and to overcome the personal embarrassment of actually having these in our collection."

Khev, I 100% agree! :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:

Made this pic when I recieved my GG Jumbo:

I finally opened my Jumbo Fett. Its actually got some weight to it and feels pretty solid. Did someone actually break one of these open to confirm that they're hollow? If they are its definitely a non-issue in hand.
Sandpeople was one figure I wanted badly but couldn't afford when I was a kid.
Guess thats one good reason to get the big one now.
Sorry to get your hopes up but I have to bump this thread.

Is this line dead? Have Han and Chewie shipped yet? Where the heck is R2??!?!
Sorry to get your hopes up but I have to bump this thread.

Is this line dead? Have Han and Chewie shipped yet? Where the heck is R2??!?!

Han and Chewie should be shipping this month, Vader and Leia next month and Luke and Sandpeople the following.

Yet again GG is known to have terrible schedule shipping.:impatient:
Sorry to get your hopes up but I have to bump this thread.

Is this line dead? Have Han and Chewie shipped yet? Where the heck is R2??!?!

As norm with GG they preview stuff and then it gets delayed. We might see these by next Christmas. The whole series will probably come out in a month so everyone can go broke buying them. Last month they shipped out like 15 items and now I bet we will not see anything for three months.
I was really considering picking up the Vader... but decided instead to pick up the actual vintage 12" which about half :rock

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That's a beut, galactiboy! My older cousin had him and I always drooled over it! How much did you get it for and where?
Damn that's a nice vintage 12"! Is it all original galactiboy?

Yep, all original... as far as I can tell that is :lol We had one growing up so everything looks correct and I compared it to some pics at Jedi Temple Archives

That's a beut, galactiboy! My older cousin had him and I always drooled over it! How much did you get it for and where?

Thanks man :rock I picked it up in the vintage commerce section over at Rebelscum... I think it was around $45 shipped.

I've thought about getting more of the series... but if I could only have one Vader is it :rock