Archbishop of Bologna!!!
I just want someone to do what Adam Hughes predicted and make a casting of the head that can be used on a custom 1:6 slave Leia once this is released. (hint hint)
Daveyjaro said:Anyone see ROTJ recently? Do you see a shot of her back? If it is realistic, why change the prototype?
Atom Hues said:Because Carrie Fisher said so.
Apparently, at San Diego last year, Carrie Fisher saw the protoype (which we all saw for the first time at SDCC last year) and was VERY upset, especially at how much of Leia's butt was showing. The card on the statue said 'pending licensor approval', like everything else at the con... I guess she called Lucasfilm and asked them to have changes made.
As for "realistic?" That's the best Carrie Fisher head anyone's ever sculpted, I think everyone agrees. But from the neck down, that's more 'Playmate of the Month' than 'Princess of Alderaan'. Fisher really slimmed down for the slave Leia scenes in Jedi, but that GG statue is the body of a woman with a few more pounds of curves and muscle. The GG statue has (relatively) bigger ****s, and is a much curvier body, with more junk in the trunk. And from behind, if you look at the upper-arm definition, whoever modeled for the sculptor and/or digital scanner for this Leia statue has done way more tricep push-downs and kick-backs than our fabulous Ms. Fisher.
And, no, I am most certainly NOT complaining. This statue is most definitely a fantasy dreamgirl, with maybe 20% more fantasy than the actual dreamgirl it's based on.
I hope the final version is close to this!
Ryanfromindiana said:If Shropt would have done a slightly better photoshop job I think that picture may have been confusingly arousing lol.
Anthos said:Actually, isn't that just a strong rumor that circulated last year about the piece? I don't think it was ever confirmed that she even saw the statue much less made actual comments.
Atom Hues said:It's about as confirmed as it could get, for me, personally. A good friend of mine is Carrie Fisher's 'handler' at big convention signings, he's been walking her on-and-off con floors since Celebrations II.
Atom Hues said:It's about as confirmed as it could get, for me, personally. A good friend of mine is Carrie Fisher's 'handler' at big convention signings, he's been walking her on-and-off con floors since Celebrations II. He told me about her reaction about an hour after it happened, because he was WITH her when it happened. He came up to me at the con and said "Holy s***, you're not gonna believe what just happened. You know that Gentle Giant Slave Leia statue...?" You get the genereal idea.
Short of actually seeing footage of Carrie Fsiher getting mad, I call this one confirmed. Every time my friend has told me something, whether its a film script rumor, or something wacky a celebrity said, or whatever, he's been 100% accurate. When it's just a rumor, he labels it "JUST a rumor"; he never tries to imply that it's true; it's just the latest thing he's heard. When something he KNOWS to be true happened, he labels it as such. He's not a rumor-monger, and a good source of fun & interesting (and reliable!) information. So, if he says he was WITH Carrie Fisher when she saw the GG statue for the first time, I beleive everything he says about the incident.
Also, this happened AT San Diego Comic-Con, during the day ( believe it was Saturday) at the WELL-TRAVELLED Gentle Giant booth. There's no elbow room ANYWHERE on the San Diego convention floor on a Saturday. I'm sure this story has circulated because other people were there, and saw it happen as well.
However, feel free to disagree!
Anthos said:I’m not disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing, but anytime someone brought this up over the various forums it was “A friend of mine was there and she was upset…” or “My sister’s cousin’s brother former roommate” kind of thing. Since you’re part of the industry and you believe your source, that’s fair enough. I for one don’t believe the first prototype was EVER going to me made. I knew changes were going to be made, for better or worse.
Atom Hues said:Sure, I understand. Since 90% of all rumors turn out be false, it's standard to assume ANY rumor is false.
And I agree with you 100%. When I saw the protoype, I flipped out. I KNEW that would never make it to the streets "as-is", and I applaud GG's large industrial brass balls for putting it out for viewing without licensor approval.
But I think everyone's fear NOW is not that there might be a minor tweak or licensor adjustment between prototype and production, but rather another appearance by the Joustin' General Kenobi Gremlins. Meaning, some tremendous, unaccountable variation that is never explained, and can't be chalked up to 'licensor-requested changes'.
Atom Hues said:Joustin' General Kenobi Gremlins
Radagaster said:Y'know . . .this makes me wonder though, because that GG Leia is up for shipping pretty soon, and they didn't show her latest incarnation at Toyfair. I just hope GG doesnt drop a worse bomb on us than the current title-holder called Obi-Wan.