As bad as this is looking I would have been equally repulsed by Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and that whole crew being involved. Can't stand any of that crowd. The fan **** feedback on this makes me wonder why they bother, than I remember that hard core Ghostbuster's fans probably only account for 2% of the potential audience for this film. That is why studios seldom care about fan reaction to superhero costumes and such. Expectation is a very hard obstacle to compete with. I'm convinced this is why the Beatles never got back together before Lennon died. The could have got back together for one show, and if it was the best set they ever preformed together it would still get bashed. People built up in their minds an experience that the band would never be able to capture, because ever one had a different idea of what that perfect moment should be. People can blame Murray all they want for hamstringing GB3 years ago, but he was probably right to not be involved in something that wasn't good. GB3 likely would have been another Indiana Jones and The Crystal Skull. An okay movie that was slammed by fans because it wasn't their vision of what a IJ movie should be.