I have a love/hate opinion of Quentin Tarantino but one thing I picked up from him: Never apologize for liking a bad movie.
The change to almost every character's backstory and country of origin was one giant clusterfail. GI Joe as a global peacekeeping force? Tatum and Wayans as Duke and Ripcord? Clusterfails.
But I found a surprising amount of ROC's abject lameness to be pretty easy to ignore. Stormshadow's little hairdryer sidearm and sneakers? I don't think I actually saw either the whole movie. The UN bullcrap? Its mentioned a couple of times and then the story moves on. Scarlett being Canadian, Snake Eyes being whatever, and so on? If I didn't read their bios online I would have assumed they were American.
Tatum and Wayans. Both need a serious ass kicking. But they played fifth and sixth fiddle to Storm Shadow, the Baroness, SE, and Scarlett. They were Tunnel Rat and Big Lob showboating as they worked their way onto the team, not Duke and Ripcord.
If they
had to ape the dumb cartoon then this guy should have been Duke:
He can pull off the leading man hero and still shrug innocently when something goes hilariously awry.
He should have been Duke in this movie. Of course they shouldn't have looked to the cartoon as the primary source of inspiration in the first place but if you're going to go that route for God's sake don't pick a tool like Tatum who wouldn't realize he's in a campy scene if it hit him in the head with a shovel.
I loved the invasion of the Pit. I grinned like an idiot when SS tried to behead Wayans and SE's sword blocks the swing from out of nowhere. I liked the pace and its pumping techno music in spots as the action escalated. The USS Flagg and its glorious giant "99" on the side almost brought a tear to my eye. Much cooler than the reimagined Resolute Flagg. There was tons wrong with this movie from day one of its production and I will NOT defend it or even recommend it to any Joe fans with hangups about its flaws. But I liked enough of it to have a good time.
I pray that Sommers walks and James Cameron has Serpentor stab Duke through the heart in the opening scene of GI Joe 2.