well ,i've cracked and downloaded the Turd on my computer..going to watch it tonight after work..stay tune for review.
Have a stiff drink handy... Or maybe two or three...
well ,i've cracked and downloaded the Turd on my computer..going to watch it tonight after work..stay tune for review.
Wow... people here, start witch-hunts against re-casters, yet, downloading movies illegally is OK?......
i am curious where the film can go now:
stormshadow/cover girl are dead
destro/CC/baroness are all locked up,
i think they kinda didnt leave themselves with any starting point for the next movie if it comes...and i think its kinda weak to start off BEFORE cobra exists, why would they shoot themselves in the foot like that, i wanted to see destro and cobra commander in more than 2 minutes of this movie...
I'm sure Storm Shadow's still alive. They didn't show him die (kinda like Boba Fett). We see him stabbed in the abdomen and he falls into the ice. Most likely the nanomites in the Baroness will take over again and she'll free Destro and ... the ... commander.
Why wouldn't they just have "The President" (Zartan) grant a pardon for Destro, CC and the Baroness? Boom, they're free with one simple wave of a pen.
I know, it's such an obvious no-brainer that Sommers & Company will probably not even think of it.![]()
Can't wait for Shai's review. I wish we could get EVILFACE and Mando to break, too... but I suppose it's best if at least a couple of us remain untarnished.
Won't happen. GIJoe is my favorite thing. I grew up on Joe. Lived, breathed and ate GIJOE ARAH.
Just finding out about Snake Eyes not being injured and the PIT in Egypt drops this "movie" even more.
Did they give him a eeeeevil kid Boba Fett laugh when he did it?
By the way, EVILFACE... also funny (and completely dumb): In the movie, The Hard Master is overtly killed by 10 year old Storm Shadow. That's why Snake Eyes took his vow of silence.
By the way, EVILFACE... also funny (and completely dumb): In the movie, The Hard Master is overtly killed by 10 year old Storm Shadow. That's why Snake Eyes took his vow of silence.
By the way, EVILFACE... also funny (and completely dumb): In the movie, The Hard Master is overtly killed by 10 year old Storm Shadow. That's why Snake Eyes took his vow of silence.
According to the movie adaptation comic SS didn't do it. The movie certainly didn't make it clear. There's room for the sequel to still reveal that he joined with Cobra to find his uncle's true killer.
We did see Zartan impale Cover Girl through the back which is the same way the HM died. It might not be quite as far from Hama's version as you guys are making it out to be.
One thing we know for sure is that Snake Eyes was supposed to have a "comedic" one-liner at the end of the film and Hama fought tooth & nail to prevent at least that from happening.
Seems like most of the people here would eat that up.