Well i'm 2/3 into the movie now..and its definitely a POS....People liking this must have really low standards when watching a movie...its action scene after action scene after action scene after action scene...no substance....After the first 15 minutes every cliché of the genre has already been showed in front of your very eyes...makes you wonder why do you bother even watching it...But I courageously eat all of the poo poo platter
This is definitely not A Gi Joe Movie...maybe inspired by, but this is not Gi joe...
Biggest turds in the movie:
Cant stand wayan, he's really the resident comedic black dude....he's really not believable as an elite soldier...Black people worldwide should be ashame of the way he's portrayed with Duke....Why do Black people are always dumb in action movies starring white folks...Anyway he sux bad...Also, it seems sometimes Scarlett his disgust to kiss him....their realtion is not believable...
Tanning chatum or whatever is name his, should concentrate on doing male modeling and stop his acting carrer right now...he sux at everything in this movie.He is not Duke material...he has about 3 face in his repertoire.
I didnt like the Zartan character at all....Zartan aint a blood thirsty maniac and this is what they made him in the movie..Dont like the actor eighter.
Actors playing Baroness is ok...Destro is ok......But the whole plot about her being with Duke is stupid.Her real love is Destro.Again big fail.
Cobra Commander costume is pure caca.Only thing I like was the voice the actor took to sound like the Evil cobra leader .And he could have look the part too, but , the costume kills everything about the charater.
Ray park as Snake eyes is really a Fail too.Too small, doesnt have charisma...doesnt look bad ass enough..and again ,ridiculous costume.
THE ONLY THING I ENJOYED ABOYUT THIS MOVIE: Storm-Sadow, he's the real Bad ass here.Forget Snake eyes.The actor playing him was great casting.If only the plot was better.
In retrospect, I think if you were a real fan of the Joe Mythos(mostly the comics) and grew up in the 80's you will definitely see this movie as one big turd. Like I did.People enjoying this must be too dumb for me to ever talk to them again..so please identify yourself so I can put you on ignore.
Thank you.