Unlike the U.S. Marines, Navy and Army with bases all over the world...
:SIGH: Okay, let me make this a little more clear to those who actually give half a crap about the source material: In the movie, The PIT is actually in the desert near the pyramids in Egypt. THE PIT.
To those in the cheap seats, this is basically akin to having the Batcave located in Nebraska or something.
Irish, probably the most meaningful, depressing, yet hilarious part of that quote was:
100% Agreed. That and Ebert's quote. Here they are together:
It is sure to be enjoyed by those whose movie appreciation is defined by the ability to discern that moving pictures and sound are being employed to depict violence.
Then again, any movie where you can watch the bottom line on an entire industry get lower in front of you might be worth the nine bucks to see.