Baggins, James Baggins
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- Sep 11, 2005
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Fook Yu!!!!!
Well i'm 2/3 into the movie now..and its definitely a POS....
I think what may have surprised some of you is that I really can compartmentalize things like ROC and detach from the negative to a point. I'd be more upset if it was titled GI Joe: A Real American Hero. But it isn't, and it obviously wasn't meant to be GI Joe: ARAH.
I read the introduction of the movie guide and Sommers was picked to make a global movie because Hasbro wanted to branch out with GI Joe and make it more global as a toy. ARAH doesn't mean any more to them than the original GI Joe Action Man. The subtitle, and all its context, is totally dismissable to them.
They think the names (Snake Eyes, Duke, etc.) have a built-in audience and they want to preserve that for the sake of some but they admitted that with the film they expect 90% (their number) of the audience to be built up of non-fans.
Duke has a scar on his cheek and Ripcord mentions "life-like hair" and a "kung fu grip" and those, and only those, are the references included to appeal to fans of the 60's Joes. Duke being called a "Real American Hero" is supposed to cater to us, as are the many ARAH character names. But that's it. It was otherwise built from the ground up as a fighting force representing today's climate and audience.
I was never the target audience (though they definitely tried to win me over), and because of that I'll never consider it much more than "generic Sommers action movie." Because of that it didn't, and won't, offend me anymore than The Mummy or Van Helsing did. Silly, forgettable, and ultimately pointless (from the audience's point of view) movies. In the case of ROC it was kind of fun to see ARAH wannabee's (save Channing the tool) in action. But I will never collect any paraphanilia from the film; figures or other collectibles, because its just a weak and dismissable reboot in the tradition of Beast Wars and He-Man 2002, and probably the weakest of the three.
I never downloaded this. Why? Not because I thought I'd like it or dislike it but because I knew that it'd be the time where I get nailed for illegally downloading something and I'd have to be known as the guy to went to jail for downloading GI Joe. Not worth the risk.![]()
I just finally saw this falcon punch of an abortion of a movie....
So here's the only GI Joe review you'll ever need...
-There is a new Zoolander pose and it is "THE DUKE".
-All other foms of Duke were blonde haired blue-eyed All American do-gooders. In the movie they went with a cross-eyed poor man's John Cena. "Knowing is half the rap-battle, word son!"
-I just put a lit cigar out on my own wang for trying to guess if Scarlet would be with Snake-Eyes or Duke. Oh...she ends up with token black-comedic relief? He wins her over by staring at her butt & making her feel intellectually superior? A-W-E-S-O-M-E
-Scarlett was tough as nails....then she cried and fell apart after a 3-minute catfight.
-So Ripcord earned his nickname because he jumped out of a plane and used a parachute @ the end of the movie...wait, how did he already have that nickname before? BECAUSE NOTHING HE EVER DID BEFORE INVOLVED A PARACHUTE. If you're going to make a white joe into a black joe for no reason, at least make part of it make sense...he was more like "Grunt" based on his background. At least they didn't rape the good name of Stalker though.
-Snake-Eyes runs like Forrest Gump & why do they keep calling him "Snake"...lame.
-sayin "o-h--s-h-i-t" 59 times in the movie makes the Joes sound tough, right? They couldn't curse in the cartoon, so this isn't your daddy's Gi Joe!!!
-Baroness is a regular american chick. She was hot and all, but she seemed more like the Baroness disguised as Olivia Munn diguised as the Baroness.
-They take a dump on the great parts of the comics & show, yet make small references to both? (a lame one with Breaker & bubblegum)
-A Real AMERICAN Hero? and Heavy Duty & Breaker are not?
-Nice Stuntman burn suit Storm Shadow.
-Nice bangs Storm Shadow, now go drift in a Stanza.
-Storm Shadow has a laser pistol & a pleather tuxedo.
-Cobra Commander is a mad scientist, former U.S soldier who fought alongside Duke, he's Baroness' brother & wears a face condom? Again, lit cigar to the smurfhouse for pondering if they would go with "hood or faceplate."
- Brendan Frasier, you've let yourself go.
- Zartan has been reduced to being a whistling uncle.
- Breaker had a scarf on in jail.
- Casino Royale Bond's stuntdouble as Destro.
- Nice liquid-metal-terminator lips, Destro.
-Snake-Eyes not being disfigured, just taking a vow of silence.
- "Call me Commander", "Yo Joe" and "Knowing is half...". Basically, all dialogue.
- Everybody is a surprise hologram for no reason
- Dr. Mindbender is a scuzzy biker dood?
- Snake-Eyes arctic gear & his fingerwalk of doom to get past sensors
- Duke's little "Color Me Badd" goatee (But, I guess without it, he'd look 17 years old)
- Ripcord.
- Cobra Commander going all Dr. Doom instead of the old "retreat" sneaky CC.
- Destro's backstory didn't help his story.
-Sure, she murdered all your comrades and she has bombs capable of destroying the entire planet but Duke can't hurt the Baroness and neither can Heavy Duty -who actually brings back the old Joe cartoon PSA's and reminds us not to shoot ladies (and now we know...)
-Storm Shadow had ZERO honor....well, he doesn't like killing ladies alot.
-"Rise of Cobra"? Did they actually rise? Rex says to call him "Commander", then he goes to jail. They even got the subtitle wrong.
The Good
-The Cobra Night Raven
G.I. Joke: The Rise of Commercialism?![]()
Are you kidding?
G.I. Joe has always been and always will be about commercialism...
anybody know the weekend 2 sales numbers for this?
Last weekend's top film G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra tumbled an understandable 59% to an estimated $22.5M in its second weekend. After ten days of play, the $175M production is on the verge of hitting the $100M mark with $98.8M in the bank. Paramount should finish off in the vicinity of $150M from North America. Along with Star Trek and the Transformers sequel, the studio will end up scoring about $800M from its trio of effects-heavy action tentpoles with more installments to come in the years ahead.
Steve Sommers wrote a script in 1999 called "Accelerator" about people running around in those idiotic suits. The script didn't sell so he put them in the Joe movie.![]()
I think what may have surprised some of you is that I really can compartmentalize things like ROC and detach from the negative to a point. I'd be more upset if it was titled GI Joe: A Real American Hero. But it isn't, and it obviously wasn't meant to be GI Joe: ARAH.