Just beat the game just now and I loved it. I had heard reviews say it's the weakest in the series, but I think it's just as good at the others. Although the gameplay at times is a slightly bit choppier than its predecessors, I thought it was a beautiful looking game and maybe the best game graphically speaking on the PS3 (barely beats Uncharted 3 in my view). The game felt shorter (maybe due to the online mode) but I loved every bit of it.
As someone else said, it felt like the original game at times with the kind of puzzles it had and some of the cities looked like the backgrounds in the first game, and that's definitely not a complaint.
The Trial in chapter 28 was hard too and I never parried anything I just rolled out of the way so it took me a few tries, but a fun challenge that is up there with the hallway from hell in God of War 2.
I do feel that, without Kratos' being completely enraged and yelling at the gods that the story felt a tad bit empty compared to the other GoW games. But it was refreshing to see some more of the strategic and level-headed Kratos. I wasn't a huge fan of the male Fury's character or his design, but I guess he was a nice change-of-pace from the typical "I'm your friend until your purpose is served" characters Kratos' normally runs into.
I loved the ability to take weapons and use your fists. The mini-game elements where the enemies fight back and you have to dodge is excellent. I love attacking Medusas or the dragons and having to dodge or counter their attacks when I'm trying to take them out. It looks so fluid. The boss battles in this game, especially the QTEs, are among the best in the series. Watching Kratos pawn the Furies with the epic environments in the background was some of the most beautiful moments in the series.
Maybe it didn't quite have the large-scale epic story that the others had going for it, and the ending didn't scream badassness like God of War 2 or Ghost of Sparta, but everything right up to that point was not only a blast to play but it looking stunning. Nice addition to the series.