God Of War III

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lol True. The replica of Pandora's Box looks really nice, and I like the size of it! Considering all the cool stuff that's included with this edition, spending an extra $30 (on top of the price for the regular edition) doesn't seem that bad to me.

thats my thoughts exactly, in this instance i think the price is a bargain for everything your getting with this edition.
Kratos ? since when were you a sideshow member, shouldnt you be out killing gods instead of talking about collectibles.
I am pumped to see good 'ol skeletons in this game...they were gonna be in GOW 1, but were deemed to simplistic at the time....seems like a good time to have them included in this series. They look way nicer than the GOW 1 model
Just finished GOW 1 and started GOW2; loving the HD-remastered versions so far! Pumped for part 3 :chew

To complete the madness, I was thinking of making a 12inch Kratos custom using a HT Rambo muscle body and parts of the 12" Neca Kratos. Has this been done before? Any other customs out there?
I've never played any God of War game. Would you guys recommend I pick up the 2-pack before playing III, or am I good jumping right into III?
I've never played any God of War game. Would you guys recommend I pick up the 2-pack before playing III, or am I good jumping right into III?

They each pretty much pick up where the other left off. You could play it alone but would have a tough time following what is going down.
Never played any of them, and i likely won't. Can i still pick this up without being totally lost?
Never played any of them, and i likely won't. Can i still pick this up without being totally lost?

I would say so....this game really should be called
god of war:the nephilim
Gt review

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I'm surprised this game is less than 10 hours in length.
well in a way this game is just about climbing a mountain and going through certain points ,so of course its shorter, but that doesnt mean it will be epic.