Good choice! Just had mine out today, posing him in the "Kiryu goes berserk and launches all of his weapons" stance.
I believe it was you that gave the idea, thank you.
You are now known as "The Godzilla Professor".
Definitely one of my favorite figures from the Godzilla pantheon of Kaiju.
Was never a fan of Godzilla until I saw the new movie over the weekend, and now I'm a fan!!! Went way overboard on budget and went on a Godzilla buying spree, ordered:
Neca 12" Godzilla
Godzilla vs. Destroyah / Godzilla vs. Megagurius Blu-Ray
Godzilla vs King Ghidorah / Godzilla vs. Mothra Blu-Ray
MonsterArts Burning Godzilla
MonsterArts King Ghidorah
MonsterArts Destroyah
MonsterArts Millennium 2000 Godzilla
MA KG, nice!
I'm waiting on my MA G2000, if I love it in hand, then next one will be MA MechaG.
I was always a fan, but never immersed myself into his world, until now, just like you.
I have been on a Godzilla movie marathon since right before G14.
Not just Godzilla, also War of the Gargantuas and revisited Pacific Rim as well.
I really love G2000, my favorite, but I'm enjoying many others just as much.
Every one of his movies have something to offer.
I'm not going to lie and say 54 is my favorite because its not.
Its obviously a classic, its got iconic scenes and created a monster of a franchise, pun fully intended.
But G2K just connects with me, all his actions were bad ass.
My son on the other hand, also brand spakin new to all of this, watches GxM non stop