While I'm all for large Godzillas, as many as I have, it's better that only a select few are 10" or larger, I'd really only get the '54 or '84 in anything over 12", though done right, I'd get an '89/'91 really large too.
For me though, even 6" Bandai figures were like a major treat.
I started with this when I was 4-5 years old, the 6" one, eventually got the 12"
For a long time, that's all I had, until '94 when Trendmasters came out with their figures, then this was an upgrade.
I also have the 8" one.
This was my first ever good Godzilla item, the 12" X-Plus USA '54 statue, flawed, but still really nice compared to cheap toys.
Then I finally broke into Bandai with these two.
For me, the Bandai figures were a treat because despite being small, cheaper toys, they were more accurrate than anything I'd ever had before it, and specific to certain Godzillas instead of generic. Bandai dominated my collection up until last summer, then with some luck, I started to acquire some Banpresto and Kaiyodo and other manufacturer pieces and expand the scale and quality of my collection.
Speaking of collections, I found this page looking for photos, pretty cool to see various Godzilla collections, though I have to say, some are wayyyyyy more cluttered than I'd ever want, I dont' see the point in having so much if 70% of your figures are only showing heads like a school class photo, I'd want to see everything from head to tow in all its glory.