Goldeneye for N64...who else loves it??

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....Also, Rare (or whoever owns Rare now) needs to stop making Perfect Dark games and remake this one; it would sell millions

Believe it or not, but Rare is now owned by Microsoft. I think the last games they made were the new Banjo Kazooie and that Viva Pinata party game. As one game reviewer put it, while the company is still Rare, all the people responsible for amazing stuff like Goldeneye have long since left the company.

In fact, I believe that many of the people who worked on Goldeneye ended up working on the Timesplitters games after leaving Rare. If anything, those games come closest to mimicking the Goldeneye experience than the Perfect Dark games.
Try this.

On the last set of tanks,place one mine on the inner edge of the tank.So you ve got One mine for each pair,and then one to blow out four.You can make for the door as soon as Alec starts talking so then throw your remaining one mine on the floor near the doors.When the guards swarm in detonate them and you ll take all the guards out as well.

thanks, i will try that!

perfect dark was another one, it was like an updated version of goldeneye. the guards would yell funny things when you shoot them like "!" or "UGH, you b itch!" hahaha made me laugh. i remember getting it back in the day and bein excited, 60 bucks per game! cartridges were more expensive i think, but they last sooo much longer then discs! my N64 cartridges are over 10 years old and still work like i just bought them. CD's wind up getting scratched or replaced at some point.

actually, the real reason i originally got a N64 was back when i lived in my old old house. since then, we've moved twice, but back in the house i grew up in, around 1999 when i was big into star wars episode 1, i went in the store and saw that star wars:epsiode 1 Racer, if anyone rmeembers that, and they had a box that contained a N64 system with the SW Racer game. i eventually got that as a present, probably B-day, and later i traded a couple of lame games i didnt like (one of them was a mission:impossible game) with some kid for Goldeneye and Shadows of the empire, 2 games i still have and love to play. i remember spending hours in my old house basement playing my N64 and before that, my Sega Genesis was king, with sonic the hedgehog and that batman returns game. i even had the batman forever "3d" style game. ah, those were the days. i plan to get my old sega genesis again, along with maybe a super nintendo. seems like everyone but me had a SNES and i was one of the few that had a sega genesis. i heard the SNES version of batman returns game is better with graphics and music, etc.
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thanks, i will try that!

perfect dark was another one, it was like an updated version of goldeneye. the guards would yell funny things when you shoot them like "!" or "UGH, you b itch!" hahaha made me laugh. i remember getting it back in the day and bein excited, 60 bucks per game! cartridges were more expensive i think, but they last sooo much longer then discs! my N64 cartridges are over 10 years old and still work like i just bought them. CD's wind up getting scratched or replaced at some point.

actually, the real reason i originally got a N64 was back when i lived in my old old house. since then, we've moved twice, but back in the house i grew up in, around 1999 when i was big into star wars episode 1, i went in the store and saw that star wars:epsiode 1 Racer, if anyone rmeembers that, and they had a box that contained a N64 system with the SW Racer game. i eventually got that as a present, probably B-day, and later i traded a couple of lame games i didnt like (one of them was a mission:impossible game) with some kid for Goldeneye and Shadows of the empire, 2 games i still have and love to play. i remember spending hours in my old house basement playing my N64 and before that, my Sega Genesis was king, with sonic the hedgehog and that batman returns game. i even had the batman forever "3d" style game. ah, those were the days. i plan to get my old sega genesis again, along with maybe a super nintendo. seems like everyone but me had a SNES and i was one of the few that had a sega genesis. i heard the SNES version of batman returns game is better with graphics and music, etc.

Man, you just took me back...My first games for N64 were Mission:Impossible and Zelda, though they were quickly followd by Ep1 racer and Shadows. Spent Soooo many hours in the racer, but never did unlock Sebulba. I used to play as Tonto Padilles all the time (I know I'm remembering that wrong,) the guy with the vertical ring-shaped pod. Shadows was a fun game, I remember that I could not for the life of me figure out how to beat Boba Fett. It got to the point where I actually played through that level so many times that I could get through it without losing any health or life. Yet Boba kept getting me anyway! I remember the day when I finally beat it I took out the cartridge, threw it on the ground and didn't touch it for a week. Ha!
That is a classic game... fun to play on your own, but the multiplayer was just phenomenal.

We used to play 4 player (2 teams of 2) with a board in-between the 2 sides of the screen so you couldn't see where your oponents were. So much drinking and profanity were involved with that game its crazy to think about :lol

Played Perfect Dark a lot as well, but still was never quite as much fun as Goldeneye.
Man, you just took me back...My first games for N64 were Mission:Impossible and Zelda, though they were quickly followd by Ep1 racer and Shadows. Spent Soooo many hours in the racer, but never did unlock Sebulba. I used to play as Tonto Padilles all the time (I know I'm remembering that wrong,) the guy with the vertical ring-shaped pod. Shadows was a fun game, I remember that I could not for the life of me figure out how to beat Boba Fett. It got to the point where I actually played through that level so many times that I could get through it without losing any health or life. Yet Boba kept getting me anyway! I remember the day when I finally beat it I took out the cartridge, threw it on the ground and didn't touch it for a week. Ha!

hahaha! yeah shadows of the empire was freakin hard! i remember getting to the last level i think, or close to it, something with bein in the sewers and fighting a tantacled creature (the one in the trash compactor in ANH) that i could never beat. but after i play goldeneye im going right to Shadows, that was a fun, if hard, game! and i still havent beat it! IG88 was also a tough one, with that pulse laser gun. as for episode 1 racer, i would like to play that again, i dont have it anymore. i was never big into raceing games, im better at shooter games, but i still want to replay those memories.
My first console was the N64, and I can still remember my parents not letting me get Goldeneye in the beginning as they thought it was too violent :lol

But I got it eventually as all my friends had it. One of the greatest multiplayer games ever. Graphics may not be up to much now, but when people come round for multiplayer, it's still always the N64 that comes out :rock:rock
yeah the graphics are pretty funny compared to todays almost movie like graphics. we've come a long way in 12 or so years since this game came out. i mean, look at the russian guards faces LOL. its like they just copy and pasted someones snapshot onto the oddly shaped heads. pretty funny stuff.
Yeah, this is probably my favorite video game of all time. I'd love to see an updated version of it, like the Turtles in Time game, which was also a fun game. I'd love to see this in Modern Warfare quality graphics, but all of the map, weapons, characters, controls, etc kept exactly the same. Just better CGI quality.

It would also be nice if the people actually talked too :lol
ssome of my beat childhood memories are this game, getting 4 friends together for all day gaming session, bike rides to the store for treats and than right back to it, Golden gun FTW!! lol
good times
God I played this game so much! This and Shadows of The Empire.

My friend and I got so good and knew all the angles for the grenade launcher that at a full run we could bounce one through a doorway, down a hallway and back out the other door to explode some trying to enter the hall. Some of the most epic, epic stand offs and death matches I've ever played. :rock
Check this out. Not sure if anyone had posted that yet.

I also loved the game when it came out. Haven't played it in years! I particularly loved the bonus level with Jaws.
ssome of my beat childhood memories are this game, getting 4 friends together for all day gaming session, bike rides to the store for treats and than right back to it, Golden gun FTW!! lol
good times

That literally sums up soooo many days during my formative years :lol :rock
A legend and would love to see a hd version make the new consoles.
Was toying with the idea of re-buying an n64 just for this.
I loved Godeneye. One of the best games ever. I had one friend who always picked Oddjob during 4 player because the little bastard was so hard to see. :lol
Goldeneye for N64 my favorite video game on the N64 I must have played through that game a thousand times... When ever me and some friends got together we always used to play the 4 player mode and get pissed at each other when one of us got a hold of the Golden Gun with the one shot kills...