Got Jabba (with or without accesories)

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Hmm, sounds interesting but not a must have. I have a complete Kenner Star Wars action figure collection and would love the Bib staff to come with him.
Yes, these exclusive accessories are starting to become more necessary to display.
So I was looking at the Hi Rez Jabba pictures and began wondering... did we ever get any confirmation on if the hooka is removable? Looking at the pictures it would appear as though it is a seperate element. Can we get a comment on this from someone official?


I was wondering why you can only order one of jabbas throne enviroments but thoretically you can order 3 Jabbas(1 inclusive,2regular) so you would have two Jabbas without thrones. I just found this odd with the way they limited the figures. I know that I couldnt afford to buy more than one set right now but Im sure someone could and they can only get one throne for Jabba. I could see it now one Jabba on top of the entertainment center, a jabba on display in collectible room, and have one MIB.
jason2885 said:
I was wondering why you can only order one of jabbas throne enviroments but thoretically you can order 3 Jabbas(1 inclusive,2regular) so you would have two Jabbas without thrones. I just found this odd with the way they limited the figures. I know that I couldnt afford to buy more than one set right now but Im sure someone could and they can only get one throne for Jabba. I could see it now one Jabba on top of the entertainment center, a jabba on display in collectible room, and have one MIB.
Would someone really want to buy such an expensive piece twice?
No kidding that thing is huge, who could afford two? Then again, I'm a poor college dude who can't even afford one--it sucks having to pass on this, but DUDES! That price!
I know its expensive but I know that there are some fairly rich collectors around and some may just want to have two. I know there some people are buying the exclusive edition to keep boxed and regular to open.
Anyway if I had the money I would love to do that but Im just going to be happy with one. I just thought it was odd they limited to 1 per person. I guess this could be to cut down on people ordering more than one to sale maybe.
Anyone know how tall jabba will be on the throne? It says Jabba is 12" high and the throne is 9" high but should be including the railing and pipe. I am trying to map put a display cabinet for everything and want to make sure I have room for everything before I buy it.
mfoga said:
Anyone know how tall jabba will be on the throne? It says Jabba is 12" high and the throne is 9" high but should be including the railing and pipe. I am trying to map put a display cabinet for everything and want to make sure I have room for everything before I buy it.

Its only a guess but if you look at the picture on the SS site that has them all pictured if Leia is 12" then the entire Jabba looks about 17"???
I just got the Jabba and the critters. Passed on the throne. I couldn't justify that expense for a flat stone seat with a pipe and pillows. I can make that. So, I got the absolutely essential parts. Kudos to those of you that got the set!
Figuremaster Les said:
I just got the Jabba and the critters. Passed on the throne. I couldn't justify that expense for a flat stone seat with a pipe and pillows. I can make that. So, I got the absolutely essential parts. Kudos to those of you that got the set!

Les, I think you're the first person who's gotten everything but the throne. Looking forward to seeing your custom, but I gotta tell you man, I shook my head when I read that.
I might have already posted this, I forget if it was in this thread, but I decided (partly because I live in Ca, these aren't cheap and Taxes play into it) to go with an online Dealer for a reg Jabba and Creat pack and cancel the Inclusive Jaba and Creat pack. That Jabba exclusive goblet was only seen on the sail barge as I recall and the Creat pack exclusive little bugs weren't important to me, especially once I learned the Bib Figure included a baby nautolan which I felt was far more important as a Jabba snack...

Keeping the "throne" for now but the price is starting to "bug" me a bit. I just don't know what alternative there is and that pipe is cool... of course I haven't seen it in person so I can't make any honest appraisals of it...
I would have kept the Salacious inclusive though. What is Worrt going to snack on. :D
I agree with you Jabbas inclusive is not the best inclusive exclusive accessory that has been released.
Cancelled my exclusives through SS and got them through Dark Shadow. I need to start saving money and I didn't care about either exclusive in the least. $25 is $25.

Also ordered the Yoda bust from Bob.
I will be a little anxious until I am able to see my order for all of these (now sold out) exclusive/inclusive items show up in my online account...


Now, how long until we get a Chewbacca with exclusive chains and shackles, a C-3PO, an R2-D2 with exclusive drink tray, an Oola, a Slave Leia, a Gamorrean Guard, a Skiff Guard Lando, a Boba Fett and a Han in Carbonite?

Oh--and the 12" scale Rancor and his keeper!

And Jabba's Fat Dancing Chick...

And all of the Max Rebo Band members...

And Pote Snitkin, Nikto, Barada, Tessek, Ree-Yees...

tomandshell said:
I will be a little anxious until I am able to see my order for all of these (now sold out) exclusive/inclusive items show up in my online account...


Yeah I know. I ordered them at SDCC too. I was so tempted to order Jabba, Crumb, and Bib when they were still up.
tomandshell said:
Now, how long until we get a Chewbacca with exclusive chains and shackles, a C-3PO, an R2-D2 with exclusive drink tray, an Oola, a Slave Leia, a Gamorrean Guard, a Skiff Guard Lando, a Boba Fett and a Han in Carbonite?

Now that Sideshow sees what people are willing to pay for quality "figures", I don't think it will be long before we see a fully articulated 1/6th Chewy, a figure that neither Kenner nor Hasbro got right.