I know they won't do this but I think and wish Sideshow would give us who ordered all 3 items (Jabba, the Throne and Crumb) some kind of rebate off "Bib" & "Boushh". Like half off each making it kind of like two for one.
If you add both these figures ("Bib" & "Boushh") to the price of the complete "Jabba" set (Jabba, the Throne and Crumb). For me, after the exchange rate and customs factor in... Im looking at a price tag that is very close to $700.00 CAN.
Giving a rebate off "Bib" & "Boushh" to those who pre-ordered the entire "Jabba" set would not be out of line or unheard of and would greatly help (not to mention that it would be greatly appreciated)!
But it will never happen.