I love that shot of Stone curled up in a fetal position in the round air lock chamber with the tubes running all along her body. She was safe in the womb. When she emerged from the escape capsule at the end, that was basically her being born into this world. She gasps at the air, and breaths for the first time. On the nose. But still cool.
The 3D and the visual effects are outstanding. Curon knows how to use technology in the RIGHT way. Unlike Cameron and Jackson. This is the future of visual effects and 3D. Not Avatar 24.
I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. This is one of the best thrill rides I've been on in a while. If you gave me moving seats, it might end up being the best.

The sound design was fantastic. The destruction scenes without any sound really made the whole thing feel more terrifying then I thought possible. When the debris cloud was slowly advancing on Stone, and the music slowly creeps in....I got chills.
Also, George Clooney is badass, and Ed Harris is the best Huston voice ever.
I'd like to catch this one more time in theaters. What a ride. Easily in my top 5 of the year.
Totally agree. Scratching my head on those who seem like they just sat there, and felt no tension, or impact or awe of the movie. The visuals and what was happening.
How can you not root for her?
From IGN:
Gravity is an extraordinary cinematic triumph, and there can be no doubt that the technological advances that this film has achieved will act as an invitation to other innovators to match, or exceed, its achievements.This is the most effective and purposeful use of both CGI and 3D technology that we have seen in years.
The CGI creates a sense of reality, rather than a world of imagination, helping us to give over to an acute sense of danger. The 3D truly does draw one further into the experience, and not just as a bit of showmanship, but because Cuaron wants this, needs this to be a subjective experience in order for it work. Because Gravity isn't about watching a story unfold passively, it's fundamentally about becoming an active participant in the narrative by applying your own life experience, imaging yourself in the circumstances, and, in doing so, landing on a deeper understanding of your own perception of the true nature of survival.
It may be challenging for some to untangle the masterful use of the tools , and the sheer power of the journey, from the elementary and occasionally on-the-nose nature of the dialogue and backstory, though. These are representational characters whose function is to communicate broad concepts, rather than act as dimensional, nuanced, complex humans.
In many ways that’s not only okay, but the correct choice for this particular film. The simplicity allows for clarity in terms of what Gravity is seeking to impress upon the viewer; perhaps more accurately, the conversation that it is inviting the audience to participate in. We are not bogged down with trying to unweave knotty motivations here; they are as translucent as an icy blue ocean.
For me,
this is not a complex character portrait, but rather a multifaceted cinematic fable about the most primal, most elemental facets of human nature. It’s as much about the will to survive as it is the death impulse. “Do you want to live?” Gravity asks of the viewer. Yes live, as in breathe oxygen and sink your feet on the ground each day. More importantly, though, do you want to live as in take full ownership of, full responsibility for your life? Are you willing to really feel and experience every terrifying, resplendent, transformative, breathtaking and gut wrenching moment of it? Are you willing to connect with another? Not just float in the same environment with people, as if they are slightly irritating gnats that happen to surround you, but rather bring the fullness of your experience to them and accept the fullness of theirs, even knowing that connection can end in devastating loss? Do you want to be a passive observer of your own existence, halfheartedly watching as it drifts past you? Or do you choose to embrace the horror, revel in the sublime, and become an active agent in your destiny?
Do you want to live?