Green Lantern - John Stewart Premium Format

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Wow, this looks really cool. Great head sculpt and his barber gave him a sweet ‘cut too, lol.

Don’t know much about the Green Lantern character, but this makes me want to learn more. What are a couple comics that are recommended to read to know more about John Stewart?

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They said they’re gonna shape the construct so it doesn’t look like the hand is missing.

I hope that's the case.

Though it sounded like (I might've miss understood though) all that they would do is fill in that big hole in the construct where the left arm/hand would've been. And I hope the arm cannon construct increases further down, as imo it looks a bit too flush with that left arm.

I have no idea how translucent the construct is, but I hope they darken it where the arm is supposed to be, to add to the illusion if that makes sense.
Looks great, really glad so many voiced the arm issue to be corrected.

This is a must, Day 1 PO, are you buying dino76?

have to pass, have the first two.. getting only Green Arrow from this new line along with Doomsday,, and if possible,, Supergirl,, (have the first one already)

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