And what about being respectful about those who DON'T like something? Maybe those who waited years for a character to be done, and will have to wait years again for another iteration of the same character. It's easy to say "don't like, don't buy" when your picks are Hulk, Iron Man, Cap, Batman, Superman... there's always one of those right around the corner. It's not exactly the same when the character you want is a less popular one, and won't probably be made again for years.
Some posts really look like replies by brainwashed sycophants, in fact they don't go further than dumb one liners... just saying. If you really like something, your opinion shouldn't be touched by the fact that others don't like it.
Some posts really look like replies by brainwashed sycophants, in fact they don't go further than dumb one liners... just saying. If you really like something, your opinion shouldn't be touched by the fact that others don't like it.