Before X Men FC a 'First Look' segment about GL was shown. A ton new clips along with interviews etc. This film looks to be epic.
Doubt it. It'll take something epic to beat First Class....
But it's a possibilty...
I disagree.. I do think the X-men trailers were better though.Meh. None of the trailers for this movie are that good IMO. The music is pretty bland.
Not the fault of the movie, however.
this 3 min trailer beats X-MEN first class.
302 Found
The epicness levels on this trailer are just wow.
14 days
Unless the ring translates the beings dialogue for whichever organisms that he is speaking to. In our case, English.
In the latest trailer, the one with the narrative explaining everything to the viewer, he mentions that this is the 1st time that a human was chosen for the ring, yet they gave themselves a human english name "The Green Lantern Corps"?What am I missing?
In the comics the ring automatically translates whatever and whomever is talking to the Green Lantern into the Lantern's home language. It also has the ability to translate the Lantern's speech into whatever language it needs to.