I do admit he's a little too glossy. If they tone that down on the final product, I'll be happy with this.
His neck seems really thick. Maybe he will have a change of head. The base looks pretty cool though.
Has anyone ever seen SS change anything on a completed displayed Figure.Sad thing has been what you see is what it is going to be.I agree he's too glossy and too six packed.And from the photo's the scale just does not look right.But like Emperor said it could be the lean body and the pose.
Too bad because this was supposed to fit in with the DC PF line.It just does not compare with The Joker,Batman,Ivy or Superman.Bummer
That's how Superman base should have been with a light feature
did eric sosa sculpt this?
Please post a pic where there is stuff around the abs like this with even a body builder.
maybe it's just the pic making it look that way.
I don't see anything wrong with the abs. As a former bodybuilder, when your bodyfat is low enough, that's pretty much what the midrift looks like. Abs, obliques, serratus anterieur etc...