Premium Format Green Lantern

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Hell. I didn't even realize until today that the base lit up. It was off the first time I saw it.

I think it looks quite good. The only things that could be improved imo are the head size, which looks too big compared to that body, and the excess of gloss.
Hell. I didn't even realize until today that the base lit up. It was off the first time I saw it.

I think it looks quite good. The only things that could be improved imo are the head size, which looks too big compared to that body, and the excess of gloss.

Oh look a closer picture I can mess with in photoshop :woo
What do you guys think will be up for PO first. This or Superman? Not a big GL fan myself easy pass for me. Looking forward to Flash though must buy for me.
I think the gloss on the green parts works, but the black should be matte as suggested elsewhere.
I think the gloss on the green parts works, but the black should be matte as suggested elsewhere.

agreed. But its not enough to make me second guess getting it.

The abs may look exagerated, but I think all superheroes bodies look that way.
yea, someone said his face looks like he has down syndrome.

Sometimes, I think Al Gore created the internet just so people would have a place to complain
Redone another con pic for this thread. Abs were a bit tougher this time, almost like there were more ripples than before. May there were more cast shadows at this slightly different angle.


Looks better. I think if they soften the abs and the gloss and made the EX construct related, something like a second construct to put on his left hand or a switch out I would probably get this figure.
I think they will. Didn't the original sneek peek by SSC come with a normal fist?

I believe it did, I still don't like this weird Flaming construct though.

They should redo this whole statue... it looks terrible. Face sculpt looks amazing though.

Agreed the face is fine and I like the green gloss paint, it's the few anatomical anomalies that I have an issue with and the weird greyish gloss paint application.
I still think if they pulled a Bucky Cap on this and left the green and used the matte black, or maybe a black cloth like the grey they used on Batman it might make it look good.

Thanks Josh.. I think your right.. the green gloss is okay....the black is the issue for me too!