Just another update for you all. As you all know Im very busy at the moment not only with the commission work all you lovely people have given me, but with my other work both design and security. We have a very important meeting coming up soon. Plus my back log other other paint work I have at the moment. Below is a list and a time scale Im trying to work to. Im really sorry this is taken me so long, but i want to keep you all in the know. Please note about the dates given, this is the estimated finishing time it could be sooner it could be later.
1. Inception Set (Maglor) 1st November
2. James Bond (Keysta75) 3rd November
3. Indy head (IndianaPaul) 8th November
4. Inception Set (K07) 12th November
5. Will Smith (carbo-fation) 17th November
6. Platty Im aiming to get all your work complete by the end of November.
If there is any questions or problems please let me know. Juggling work is very difficult at the moment, but you have my word all the commissions I have will be sorted. I wont let you down.