GTA IV: The Lost and Damned

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My 360 can't run my GTA IV disc anymore because of the scratches it made on it :banana So i have to get a new game and buy points for this s^^^ :banana :joy :banana
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This is the biker gang Niko kills under the freeway overpass in one of GTA IV's missions, right? Or different!?

Also, is there any other way to get this besides the XBOXlive DL? No disc you can purchase?
I just dont get why this is not comming out for ps3.

I would like to play this it looks real good.

The next time DLC comes out, both 360 and PS3 will get it.

And MS paid $50 mil or some retarded ^^^^ for exclusive DLC back before the game even came out. Guess Sony didn't wanna put up that kind of cash.
The next time DLC comes out, both 360 and PS3 will get it.

And MS paid $50 mil or some retarded ^^^^ for exclusive DLC back before the game even came out. Guess Sony didn't wanna put up that kind of cash.

microsoft paid for 2 episodes of DLC exclusives
if you play the mission in gta 4 called the impossible trinity, it's based on a diamond deal in a museum. Johnny & Nico are present, the deal is highjacked by a 3rd person named Luis Fernando. He is rumoured to be the star of dlc episode 2

I made a promise to myself that i wouldn't play this till i beat the game. We'll see how that holds up.