One of the biggest "go through the motions/check all the boxes" productions I've seen in at least the last decade, possibly longer.
To me this film was made by a guy who set out to make a movie that:
1. Makes you laugh
2. Makes you cry
3. Makes you think he's super hip and cool in how he did it
For #1 I did chuckle a couple of times (mostly at Rocket), #2 nope and #3 absolutely nope.
I found the jokes to be mostly tired and repetitive and the type of thing you'd see in the last half hour of an episode of Saturday Night Live. As soon as Baby Groot was told to get Yondu's fin and he came back with something else I *knew* they were going to beat that gag into the ground having him come back over and over and over with the wrong thing. You know that old sentiment "it's only funny the first time?" Well it wasn't even that funny *on* the first time.
The visuals were repetitive too. I found it quite boring to watch Yondu's arrow kill an entire army's worth of bad guys just so we could listen to a cool song in its entirety. He whistles and his magic arrow somehow finds everyone. I get it. I don't need "Yondu's arrow, the full length MTV video." The one 3D visual of all of them falling was very cool though.
I didn't think any of the drama was earned. Gunn's formula seemed to be joke, joke, joke, try and make you cry by having two people yelling at each other suddenly get choked up mid-sentence, joke, joke, video game orgy, joke, 30 minute Yondu funeral (wth?), credits.
Fighting aliens arcade game style was just done in "Pixels," (complete with giant chomping Pac-Man!) Star Lord's battle with his dad was just two guys flying around like MOS again, we got more "Suicide Squad" action with mortals holding their own against a god (for real this time!) and what was a bit embarrassing was remembering how people mocked SS for using "Spirit in the Sky" but then GotG2 comes right back and once again mines from Pixels by closing their credits with Cheap Trick's "Surrender." Ugh, the freaking inbreeding of all these films.
And then Gunn going full "Spock's death" from Wrath of Khan with Yondu complete with gratuitous space coffin farewell and in true GOTG2 fashion a completely random and bizarre "Ravager funeral" that went on far too long with more unearned cameos than you could shake a stick at.
And Stan Lee absolutely is the "Wilhelm scream" of the MCU. Just stop, it's not funny or cool anymore. When the Watchers were walking away from him while he was unsuccessfully trying to be funny I wondered if they were supposed to be a metaphor for the audience leaving the theater because I felt their pain as I rose from my seat.