Guardians of the Galaxy

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Anyone know which Infinity gem that was supposed to be? Was purple, which is space in the comic, but it acted like the power gem. Or are all the movie gems some variation on the power gem, maybe?
Anyone know which Infinity gem that was supposed to be? Was purple, which is space in the comic, but it acted like the power gem. Or are all the movie gems some variation on the power gem, maybe?

I was thinking the same thing, but i would imagine its the space gem. Sure makes things dissapear very well :lol
Great movie! It moves a little fast in the beginning and I was disappointed to see that Del Toro's Collector didn't have a bigger role (maybe a lot of his scenes were cut?). Star-Lord, Rocket and Groot definitely take center stage as the best of the bunch. I liked Bautista's Drax as well, he had some funny moments (laughing while they're crashing and shooting Nebula with the RPG). Sadly, Zoe Saldana's Gamora was rather boring to me...still a solid job, but she was "eh" and lacked chemistry with Pratt.

Watching this movie makes me REALLY wish Marvel could use Galactus and Silver Surfer. Those two are among the "big guns" of Marvel's Outer Space characters and they would be AWESOME in cameo roles in a future GotG movie. I know they're tied to the Fantastic Four license but technically can't they be in that gray area like Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?
I really wish someone would break down where specific characters are tied to certain licenses (do the studios even know at this point?). That whole Scarlett Witch/Quicksilver thing is just weird. I've heard some speculate that because they started off in X-Men, Fox could use them, but because they were associated with the Avengers longer, Marvel could use them. If that's the case, you could almost use that excuse to other characters like Spider-man and Wolverine being Avengers. And so many villains have fought more than one hero. Rhino has fought both Spider-man and Hulk regularly. Dr. Doom and Galactus have fought pretty much everyone. :dunno
I really wish someone would break down where specific characters are tied to certain licenses (do the studios even know at this point?). That whole Scarlett Witch/Quicksilver thing is just weird. I've heard some speculate that because they started off in X-Men, Fox could use them, but because they were associated with the Avengers longer, Marvel could use them. If that's the case, you could almost use that excuse to other characters like Spider-man and Wolverine being Avengers. And so many villains have fought more than one hero. Rhino has fought both Spider-man and Hulk regularly. Dr. Doom and Galactus have fought pretty much everyone. :dunno

From what I can tell Spider-Man and Wolverine didn't become Avengers until the Bendis run which happened a while after Marvel sold the movie rights away.
"You said it *****, we're the guardians of the galaxy"

**** YES!!!! They are! This is hands over fist the best movie Marvel has made yet, it's not even close. Forget comic book films, this is one of the best Sci Fi movies I have ever seen, ever. This film was pitch perfect from the opening scenes to the closing shot, this film is perfect. It's fast, funny, heartfelt, soulful, clever, well written, perfectly acted, and beautiful. There's been some good movies this year but this takes the cake so far, I'm not sure if there's another movie coming out this year that will be even close to as good of a time as it was watching this movie. I cannot wait for the sequel, they need to make as many of these films as Gunn will make. I will be hoping to collect the whole team as they are now my favorite space crew.
this was a good ass movie and man i didnt think i would like it. Much better than winter soldier for me and way better than every thor movie. Loved how Drx was saying how everyone was his friend and when he got to gamora I laughed out loud. Also the whole steal the leg thing was funny.

I also laughed when the guy fell and he shouts "ow my neck" I dont why that was funny haha
For me it's been the only Marvel flick with any emotional heft to it. I love the prison break scene.

Tied with Apes for MOTY so far.
What did everyone think of Thanos?

I wish they didn't do a "full" reveal and still sort of kept him in the dark. I'm also disappointed they made his features more humanesque (and thus, he looks much more like Josh Brolin). The eyebrows and the clear pupils stood out to me like a sore thumb.


I hope they eventually go back to the Avengers/evil glowing style for the eyes.

Thanos didn't bother me, in fact he looked quite badass, except for the eye area. That helm should be down and help create that deep dark pit of eyes. I totally agree that his eyes should be more like the Avengers or comics. Cannot wait to see him Man handling the Avengers.

Back to the movie, going for second viewing tomorrow morning on a larger screen. :clap

So stoked can't ****ing wait. :rock
Oh, and even my wife loved this flick, she cried when she thought Groot was dead, and she said this was the best movie out of all the flicks I've dragged her to see over the years (and she really enjoyed TWS) so that's high praise indeed from a non fan.
It's definitely the eyes and I also think the smile is wrong and it should be a smirk. Also want the helmet to stay close to the head and not bell bottom out

Wish I could use photoshop to have a go at making an example
Anyone know which Infinity gem that was supposed to be? Was purple, which is space in the comic, but it acted like the power gem. Or are all the movie gems some variation on the power gem, maybe?

I am pretty sure that the colors are different than the comics. I am going with this one as the power gem. I believe the Tesseract is the space gem.

As for Thanos, I think he looks great. I just he hopes up being a little more purple. He looked a little too blue.