Guardians of the Galaxy

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Why is Earth not aware that there are hundreds of humans living in outer space, on other worlds, with alien beings, and that there's a whole organisation dedicated to protecting the galaxy run by humans (Nova corp or whatever, which, now that I think about it, seems surprisingly similar to the Green Lantern corp)?

They aren't humans. They're humanoid beings though. Remember how Yondu always called Peter a Terran? That's just what Earthers are called.

Just like in Starcraft.
Yes, however, there is one thing I always ponder when there are references like that in movies. So apparently Kevin Bacon exists in the MCU, Kevin Bacon was in The River Wild with John C. Reilly, John C. Reilly was in this movie. Pickin up what I'm puttin down?:rotfl

Errrrrrrrrrrrr........... :lol

They aren't human. In the Marvel comic universe there are multiple races that look exactly like humans. It's like Luke and Han right? Not human but appear the same.

They aren't humans. They're humanoid beings though. Remember how Yondu always called Peter a Terran? That's just what Earthers are called.

Just like in Starcraft.
Ah, well, that explains it.
Yes, however, there is one thing I always ponder when there are references like that in movies. So apparently Kevin Bacon exists in the MCU, Kevin Bacon was in The River Wild with John C. Reilly, John C. Reilly was in this movie. Pickin up what I'm puttin down?:rotfl

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon exists even in space. Well played, sir. :duff
Waiting for the movie to start now. Haven't been this excited for a movie in awhile!
If there's any indication on what a potential Thanos fig could look like, it's this.

I pretty much knew I was gonna love this movie as soon as 10cc's "I'm not in Love" started playing. Then once the title card came up while Redbone's "Come and Get Your Love" played, it was a sure thing. Really great use of music. Just a really fun movie. Haven't seen a movie that fun in a while.
I'm loving this film, the title sequence is amazing, Drax has me in a laughing fit and everything comes together so well. My new favourite modern film I think.
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Better group dynamics than The Avengers, imo.
Guardians of the Galaxy is one awesome movie! Just got back and what a way to end the Marvel run until next year. Awesome film.