Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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far from cookie-cutter IMO. The designers are some of the best in the biz.... :monkey1





Only problem is most of the designs were hard to appreciate and differentiate during the movie itself not like looking at control or concept art.
That's why it would have been cool for some daytime fighting. You could get some true appreciation for the designs of these monsters. Them and the Robots were the absolute best part of the movie. I'd think about getting an art book simply for them.
That's why it would have been cool for some daytime fighting. You could get some true appreciation for the designs of these monsters. Them and the Robots were the absolute best part of the movie. I'd think about getting an art book simply for them.

Speaking of the Art Book, does anyone have it? Is it worth getting?
There's a video posted in the review section that flips through it.

It's cool seeing those designs. I kept thinking maybe they were cool. But they were just dark gray swirls in a sea of darkness and rain in the movie. I do really like them, though.

Maybe you are getting cynical...but I don't know. I thought I was...but I think it's just these movies that have come out, had no heart or soul, or any kind of passion what so ever. They felt like products to me. Big loud products.

This movie felt like Del Toro spluging all over the screen with his soul, and everything he stands for and loves. And you have to appreciate that.

I do think this is an important distinction. It was clear there was a lot of heart in this movie. I think that's why it worked so much better than some of the clanging snooze-fests the Transformers films can be. The action scenes were well rendered for the most part, only falling pray to crazy-what-the-hell-is-going-on cam at times. There was a heart and soul to this movie... I just wanted a more original story.

Now, switching gears to a more general reply...

Not to put down anyone in particular here, but I feel like the people on the internet in general who had issues are giving more articulate and thoughtful responses to the film. While, generally, the people who like it are just saying "OMGZ - LUVZ MOVIE! People stupid haterz who don't luvz! Big Robots go pew-pew!" (I know, I know, welcome to the internet.)

Now, believe me I love big robots who go pew-pew. I loved these robots that go pew-pew. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. But rather than writing off alternate opinions, maybe more of those who totally loved it can try to engage people who had issues with it? :D

I think if people can just, sort of, "turn part of their brain off" and not care about the story and let it just wash over them, more power to them. I sort of wish I could do that more. I wanted to just love this movie unconditionally. But I'm not 12 any more and I'm not sure I can do that. And even when I was 12, I wasn't very good at that. I liked to engage with the story too much. I just expected a little more for the adult side of my brain to chew on while the kid in me loved the fights. I think the story that was there got the job done. And, really, these days that's almost sadly commendable for a summer blockbuster. But with Del Toro, I just am programmed that I'm going to get a bit more story. I think if I were less familiar with his work from Cronos on I might not have had the same expectation and maybe enjoyed it more for what it is, though.

I'm really happy that people are loving it, though. I do love the basic idea of this project and I would go see another one.
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That's why it would have been cool for some daytime fighting. You could get some true appreciation for the designs of these monsters. Them and the Robots were the absolute best part of the movie. I'd think about getting an art book simply for them.

This is a common complaint from action movies these days, you don't get to see enough of the fantastic designs for long as they're moving too fast or obscurred by the evironment around them
This is a common complaint from action movies these days, you don't get to see enough of the fantastic designs for long as they're moving too fast or obscurred by the evironment around them

It's worse when all the scenes are at night. If its during the day you can still take it in easier.
I'm friends with Wayne Barlowe, whom I have great respect for, when you see his original drawings in comparison to what ends up 90% of the time on screen, it would make a grown man weep. His work is extraordinary. It's true of the Pacific Rim stuff by the look of it as well. Still really looking forward to it though, might try and catch it at the w.end.
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Hahah..I cant believe how many of you liked this was Godzilla/Top Gun/ and Independence day all done poorly, ripped off, and slapped together.
Good Box Office News!

Official domestic grosses are in for Thursday late shows and Friday midnights. Warner Bros says Legendary Pictures’ Pacific Rim overperformed with $3.6M - equal to last month’s late shows for World War Z which went on to earn an all-inclusive Thursday/Friday gross of $25.2M and weekend of $66.4M. I’ve learned the 3D ratio is a strong 52% “and the largest ratio of a wide release for a very long time” according to an exec.

Great news on the foreign front. Warner Bros says Legendary Pictures’ Pacific Rim opened #1 in all 7 Asian markets on Thursday grossing a total $3.7M from 2,157 screens despite a crowded international marketplace. Korea made $1.4M from 961 screens, Taiwan: $611K from 199 screens, Thailand $559K from 273 screens, Malaysia $348K from 207 screens, The Philippines $283K from 277 screens, Indonesia $249K from 168 screens, Singapore $240K from 72 screens. More in the morning…
Hahah..I cant believe how many of you liked this was Godzilla/Top Gun/ and Independence day all done poorly, ripped off, and slapped together.

One man's trash is another man's treasure. I don't approve of your post, but I do approve of your signature.