Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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Weren't there rumors that the trailer was to be released with The Hobbit? If so, I'm guessing the reveal is the trailer.
The viral website has had a countdown up for the past few weeks. Just realized that it hits zero tomorrow.

Could possibly be a teaser trailer. I'm not sure if too soon for that or not. Poster?

I'm betting it's a trailer, I think i read some where that the first movie that's going to get the Pacific Rim trailer was the hobbit. So i'm guessing the web will get it two days before then.

either that or better be a bad ass viral video lol
ummmmmmmmm yea, i'm pretty ****ing excited now lol


trailer hits in just a few hours. that teaser poster from the summer looks like crap next to this. From my understanding this is the main Jaeger of the film, that old school Jaeger the team drives. If this is old then what do the new ones look like lol
Woah!!!! Are you serious it's like Godzilla meets transformers. It's like a robotech anime this movie looks gorgeous and fun as hell. Seriously this looks to damn cool. I just watched this trailer randomly.
Awesome! :panic: As an 80's kid who grew up on giant robots fighting monsters anime, this hits my sweet spot.
hoooooooollllly ****. Those battles look insane, I love the scene where they are dropping the bots in the water, the four armed bot looks cool. Jipsy danger looks pretty badass as well. man, that final monster shot of the roaring beast as the lighting strikes, wow, just so much wow in that trailer.