Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim!!!

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The Russian one looks so bad ass :rock

Ha, it actually reminded me of Urizen from spawn


You are right, there :lol
the russian one? is that the one with the cone shaped head? the one that drops off from the helicopter in that close up shot?
Giant Iron Man crossed with Godzilla's rogues gallery.

GDT is one of the few that could pull off such awesomeness. :yess:
Giant Iron Man crossed with Godzilla's rogues gallery.

GDT is one of the few that could pull off such awesomeness. :yess:

You know, I wasn't that excited when I heard Del Toro was doing this, I mean I loved the hell boy movies but not because of there action scenes. But from what I've seen it looks like Del Toro is going to deliver on the action and he's ALWAYS been a good story teller.
With LP doing both this and Godzilla, it would be so damn epic if after Godzilla was released that the Pacific Rim mechs fought Godzilla. Hey, I can dream can't I?

Very solid looking trailer. With Django Unchained getting good reviews, the reveal of Oblivion, After Earth trailer impressing me, and now this....I just can't contain all the excitement.
This is just wetting my appetite for godzilla in 2014. Cant wait for that.
Trailer is too simple to be honest. I was expecting something very different.
Both featured monsters looks very unimaginative and boring.

Well... at least GLaDoS has found a new job, I'm happy for her :lol
Seeing this really brings me way back to Johnny Socko and his robot, and even Gigantor...damn...looks great
The movie does look cool, but really the high-concept itself is what sells it. A mega-budget movie featuring giant monsters vs giant mech robots? Duh. Only someone like Stephen Sommers could screw that up.

GDT is a great filmmaker, and that's what excites me most. But this is the easiest sell in the world. It's just too obvious for me to assign Second Coming status to it. And I'm still left hoping the monsters and robots get more (or at least as much) screen time as the human characters.